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Derrek isn't shitting in Bobby's mouth, I swear.  I'm never drawing rimming again NEVER!!

and Unit 06 explaining the new sinister stim chamber.

EDIT:  Thats a tiny bit less problematic




Damn, that shark is up in there!..jealous


If your erection lasts more than four hours...


so damn envious of that shark. also neat designs


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOLY SHIT! I saw this in my email and I was like wtf! MY FIRST PIC OF DADDY DERREK IN A WHILE AND FORGE IS DRAWIN' SCAT! XX *breathes* Derrek... mmmpf Dat delicious ass that does not in any way have anything other than a tongue there. I mean, Bobby had his ass saved, it's only fair he return that favor. In the other pic, I swear to God I thought the one on the left had two dicks, but then I realized it was the pattern. You're doing all kinds of optical illusions tonight XD

Alarm Frog

It's SO GOOD though, Forge!


XD Both were awesome dude (hope you didn't think I was laughing at your work, it was just seeing a smaller picture in my phone that made me look twice and gasp before I read the caption. Then of course the caption killed me.). But I see what you did there. Derrek looks like he's ready for more than just a tongue now.


It's not WHARF it looks like! Honesty you draw rimming extremely well! And I hope you do more of it in the future!


Also, regarding rimming, you do not need to draw the tongue, you can just have the muzzle pressed into the crack, leaving the tongue action to our imagination.


I am not an artist in any way, so this might be totally wrong, but it seems to me that having the tongue shaped like an “n” causes the scat illusion, cause that’s how poo would naturally come out with gravity at that position. A tongue shaped in the “u” would probably avoid that, especially since the lighting and shadows would differentiate the top and underside of the tongue. Plus, that seems to be how tongues naturally come out of mouths, at the bottom lip. I love your artwork though, so I hope this critique does not seem like me nagging!


Oh look, you improved it... This means you gotta draw rimming EVEN MORE now~✨


I saw rimming from the first sight. Hot!! but now that you said, it I can't get the idea of it being scat out of my mind UGH! Ok back to my happy place - spooning with Simon!!

Monsieur Foxy

It was always rimming. ALWAYS.