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Im not sure where this is going haha.

In an evil satanic science redoubt, somewhere underground, mutant soldiers are being bred and trained.  The wretched scientists who run the redoubt engage in various perverse experiments.  Some to further their cause, others merely to amuse themselves.

Unit 06 is the last of the living specimens from the earliest successful batch of mutants.  He is considered old by the newer specimens, though he is only older than them by one or two years.  He has seen actual combat out in the world, and is an experienced fighter.  His genetic model is outdated and soon to be retired.

Unit 09 is of the second batch of mutant specimens.  He has received the same training as Unit 06 but hasn't seen combat outside of simulations.  He is very proud of his strength and is eager to prove himself to his custodians.  Of his six "brothers" he is the strongest.   

Once a day specimens are permitted to use the masturbatory stim machines.  It keeps them docile and satiated throughout the stressful training and medical experimentation.  Disobedience or failure leads to the revocation of masturbation privileges.  They aren't permitted to touch themselves and have no sexual experience to speak of.

This is about to change.




I was raised in an evil satanic science redoubt, and I assure you it was an entirely wholesome and nurturing environment.


I like it! Especially that first image, showing off their muscles


"Three months" no nutting? Sheesh!! Brutal.


The plot reminds me of a porno version of Island of Dr. Moreau... zombie cyborg Marlon Brando would be so excited for it.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 12:01:25 This is a awesome so far! I have a feeling 06 is about to put 09 in his place (doggy style). You can only learn so much from simulations. Real combat is unpredictable. Keep up the great work Forge! Love your art! Especially your big muscular lionmens <3
2020-05-23 06:04:45 This is a awesome so far! I have a feeling 06 is about to put 09 in his place (doggy style). You can only learn so much from simulations. Real combat is unpredictable. Keep up the great work Forge! Love your art! Especially your big muscular lionmens <3

This is a awesome so far! I have a feeling 06 is about to put 09 in his place (doggy style). You can only learn so much from simulations. Real combat is unpredictable. Keep up the great work Forge! Love your art! Especially your big muscular lionmens <3