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I set the earnings to private for now.  I was told that it might help cut down on the bots and fakers.  If it doesn't make a difference I'll make it public again :B

Once the pay up front option is available to me it wont matter any more.  

So, SORRY if its irritating, I personally don't like when people hide the earnings, but we'll see if it makes any difference.



Whatever gets you the cash and avoids the bullshit, do it. You're making good on your work schedule and the art has been great. Hammer on!


You've been the most consistent is your work. If it helps you avoid the shit that people can give you, do it. Keep up the great work Forge :D

Monsieur Foxy

You do what you gotta. You update on average.... 3 times as much as the other people I support on here. At least where actual art-posts go.


I really feel like you should drop the sketches and WIPs to 10$ and maybe include in the 20$ tier a drawing every month that gets one lucky person a sketch art piece to make up for dropping the sketches and WIPs out of the 20$ tier. I would totally bump my donation to 10$ if you did that.

Raventhan Vaeltaya

Sure thing, but you're going to start charging upfront? Just let us know before so that people can prepare their PayPal


agreed, i'd be bumping up my tier since i really wanna see your wips but cant commit to 20 a month ;;


Be careful about that, i discontinued raffles since it was against patreon policy now. Not sure if its changed since.


Ah, apparently raffle are not allowed anymore as WFA said, it promotes 'gambling'. Maybe instead have a point system for every month you remain a 20$ patron you get a point and can exchange X amount of those points for a sketch commission.