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I always wanted to draw a Kzinti.  Naturally they all nekkid, making the Hu-mons uncomfortable.  UuU




Wait whats from? I love sci fi setting were big fuzzy aliens dont wear clothes amd finding clothing as redundant


Nice work! Cut my teeth on the Man-Kzin wars books a loooooooong time ago. If you're a fan, be sure you read Destiny's Forge by Paul Chafe. It's in my top 2 kzin stories. I like the fact that you did him feline-ish without being an obvious tiger anthro. I'd love to see more with that Hero!


They were originally in a series called Known Space, but they ended up in the Star Trek Animated Series...which got even fucking weirder than TOS.


Uhhh Larry Niven wrote some books about them. They were in Star Trek too a little bit. I dunno if they all nekkid but I have made it so UuU


The TOS was a once off for a story by Larry. Funny thing was that the fellow who did some of the work was colorblind.. hence the 'pink' Kintz uniforms. Larry Niven wrote a few stories with them.


Officially Kzinti have no external genitalia because Niven is an old-school man's man homophobe. Kzinti are VERY much feline. Just naked tails and weird ears.


only 4 digits on their paws, too. thumb+3. Their numbers are base-8.


The Rat side came from the naked tail.. Female Kzinti have furred tails.


Yep.. When asked about the male Kzintu he essentially said "Apex Predator.. Think big cat or gorilla"


Hey, I'm not complaining!! Had Trogan draw me a kzin with external bits, too. Way more fun!


Gorilla as apex predator? Heh.


Niven flipped out when a guy named Elf Sternberg wrote a fanfic about homoerotic hunting events in kzin culture.


"The Only Fair Game"


I read it its a liiiiittle sexy. Fuck Niven, dont make a race of naked cat people if you dont want gay furry porn made of them UuU


More specifically an all male race of naked cat people where their females are nearly inaccessible and non sentient. Who else are they gonna get their rocks off with?


Niven basically felt they were too busy conquering other worlds and having their militaristic patriarchal hierarchy to see sex as anything other than a necessary thing to allow them to make more sons, who would carry on the family honor. Thereby neatly omitting any pleasure involved that went beyond instinctual release from a biological imperative. In other words: Boring as Hell.


Wait Larry Niven made these??? Holy shit I love his books. Draco Tavern was filled with great species and psychological and philosophical ideas that blew my mind! I love this a lot forge! More sci fi stuff k thnk


Yeah, there was a Kzin in Ringworld. Check out "Man-Kzin Wars." Niven did the race originally, but TONS of other authors have written for those anthologies. There are like 15 of them out now.


What a boring prudish grandpa. Ima make more naughty Kzin pics just to spite him.


There's also the Kilrathi and the Hani I could do naughty pics with OuO


Both of which were probably based on the kzin, and if you can piss off Niven, stick with the rat-cats. ;)


I've had my eye on the Hani for a long time. Females that look male and the males that are EVEN BIGGER


Just offer him a big bowl of Cream and Bourbon.. And whisper chrowl Chrowl CHROWL to him.


I really enjoyed the Chanur series. Essentially there are 2 major timelines. First of Pyanfar and the meeting with the human Tully - brilliantly done as it is all from the viewpoint of the Hani. And the second was Hilfy (Pyanfar's daughter) who lets an lost adolesent male Hani on to her ship as a crewmate.


THAT is the mating trigger-word. Instant boner, instant rather instinctual rump-humping. Also used to enrage a male kzin when used as an insult. Sorta like "fuck off" or "fuck you."


I read the Hifly book aaaaaaages ago. Hallan was banging EVERY FEMALE on that ship.


Like I said, heavily stifled homoerotic military fantasy.


Err no. There was interest in Hallan.. It was only at the end when one Hani took an definite interest in him and proposed marriage. After that the others had congenital rights but it was not mentioned if they took them. 90% of the time Hallan was too scared to do anything else he be forced to walk home (in space)


Only male Hani in space on a ship full of females. They gang raped him. I have made this canon UuU n


In Destiny's Forge the main character (young male Kzinti) got in to a mating fight with another male and won. He then mounted the female and found he was 'stuck'. Both has to shuffle backwards out of the arena. So there might be some sort of tie there..


And Larry Niven lost his shit no doubt. Ima give them weird alien bad dragon dicks.


Yeah, and that was the ONLY thing about Paul Chafe's story that irritated me. A knotting cat? Gah. Not EVERYTHING needs a knot.


Destiny's Forge was otherwise my 2nd favorite after "The Children's Hour.'


My very first OC was a kzin.


Err no :) Ok - remember males were considered very unstable. Dominant or mated males especially. They would fly in to rages, kill younger males etc. So there was a BIG stigma on having males off planets and anywhere delicate machinery. This was mainly the way they were brought up. Pyanfar in the first books broke this tradition by letting her old husband Khan on board - which influenced the rest of the crew re stability. Hallan was just a youth - going through his growth spurt to adult hood. The rest of the crew were wary incase his might go unstable hence no fooling around.


Back in .... 1995.


Why a 'knot' Barbs and a tightened vagina could do the same trick. There are many species that have some kind of copulatory clasp to keep them together. A bulbis glandis is just but one solution to stopping other males from 'droppin in'


I am amending canon @u@ Perhaps they need to get him off VERY OFTEN to stave off any potential rages UuU


I'm pretty sure Chafe got to write another story later on, so Larry must not have been too upset.


I hate the patreon app because I cant reply to comments directly but yes please! Niven anthology would be so great! Personally, I love the Gligs, civilized alien races that eat humans but by cloning em.


Only that far back.. I was an anthro-wolf bacl in 75.. Very pre internet


Read that short story the Only Fair Game. Its a lil steamy.


Will do 👌


Also tap on the comment you want to reply to and there should be a little reply button


I have to use my desktop. For some reason the apps being gay! But yeah Ill definitely give it a read thanks! Need more sci fi in me

Monsieur Foxy

It's pronounced (chu r-OW'-l) keep the back of the tongue raised towards the soft palate, and let the air stutter across to produce a proper guttural 'r'. And it means "Fuck" or "Let's Fuck" depending on inflection and body language. Remember these guys are like cats, so scents play a primary role to them. Visual stuff is on par or even secondary to that. So just make sure you're good and horny, and assume the position. They'll more than likely ignore you unless they're horny, but hey, someone will get interested eventually!


Cream and Bourbon helps plenty too :).. Or Ice-creame