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Simon and new character Arthur.  

I have two different werewolf ideas, this one is sort of fun all cryptids are real werewolves go to the supermarket vampires are terrible goth pink haired leach people etc.

The other one will be more based on the White Wolf World of Darkness thing kinda sorta (These two wont be in that one)

Both will be just loaded with Werewolves fucking each other!

So in this spooky land, of perpetual October, Lycanthropy is a condition that runs in bloodlines (or it can just spontaneously happen).  At a certain age you become an Unturned, which is what Arthur is.  Its like a pre-transformation.  You get hairy and antsy and aggressive and horny UuU

Unturned can undergo the full change into a werewolf at any time, and it tends to be a violent bloody fuck-crazy affair.  So pretty dangerous if you happen to just be in the middle of a crowd.  Unturned are avoided and shunned and not hired for this reason until they fully change (even then Werewolves are sort of avoided but not as bad, they are no longer ticking time bombs).

So Simon and Arthur are buddies and Art is not happy that he hasn't fully transformed yet, hes already 25.  Simon, being a good friend, has been trying to fuck-start his transformation for some time now OuO  WILL HE SUCCEED!?!?!

I may redesign Artur.  He is the douchiest looking werewolf I've ever seen.

This is all pretty dumb and subject to change hooray.




Wow, more stuff I haven't seen... Also, I literally wrote a book about a similar type of lycanthropy (not exactly like this, but it werewolf transformation happens in stages like this. The body slowly morphs permanently into a wolfman, and there are different phases of being in a pre-turn state.) Of course your drawings inspired this, but it's good to actually read what you had intended for Arthur's backstory. I need to go through more of the older stuff I missed along the way.

Monsieur Foxy

I support the Unturned!!! (Starts up sanctuary for them to live in until turned.)


Gosh.. Simon 😍