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Hi team! 💜 Thanks for your voting on our challenge related polls 💪 For the month ahead we have a few challenge prompt lists:

  • Declutter for a cause challenge: daily prompts for areas to declutter. Pick a place or organisation to give your decluttered items to, and get to decluttering!
  • Daily lettering challenge: "Self-love lettering" themed with prompts related to positive words we can used to describe ourselves
  • Monthly creativity challenge: a singular prompt for open creativity. Use the prompt to make a creative piece using any medium (drawing, painting, photography, music, cooking, etc.)
  • A Year of Planning challenge: runs for the whole year. Prompt list and further details can be found at https://bit.ly/3T5fq4L

Feel free to partake in any of the challenges (or all of them if you want to!). You don't have to share your responses or progress, but general sharing spaces include:

Lemme know if you have any questions!




Wow! Your house must be a lot less cluttered than mine! I could spend a week on each of these probably! hmmmm...maybe I will set my own challenge.


Yeah I played around for a long while regarding how to set up the challenge, but a list of 28 prompts seemed the most straight forward. Totally understand that it’d be a mish to do some of these categories just in one day in amongst other life stuff! 😝 could always just use the prompts over a longer span of time than February though 💪 more as a guide of areas for potential focus. Another way people sometimes like to tackle the monthly-based decluttering challenges is to declutter one thing on the first day, two things on the second day, three things on the third day, etc. By the end of February, you would have decluttered 406 things that way 😝


I didn't mean my comment to come out negatively - I think I will use your list but expand the timeline. There are so many parts of my home that need decluttering it's hard to focus on where to start. Thanks for the ideas! I really enjoy your challenges and videos.


Thanks Shelley, all good! Expanding the timeline is a good way to make it more manageable for sure 😄💪