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Hello team! (I feel like I'm going to have to start referring to you as "gorgeous humans", just 'cause that's what I'd always call my students, but since I quit.... 😅)

Anyways! Feels like a hot minute since I checked in with you all so just wanted to pop by to say happy Monday (or Sunday, depending on where you're at). I've not even had a chance to look at my release schedule for this month yet, let alone make content, so I'm mainly taking today to get myself organised with all that 😊

Things you can expect this month, along with general YouTube content and the like, are: 

- The month of planning challenge running on Facebook and Instagram; awesome to see people getting involved so far!

- Community hang out in our Discord server (available to all server members)

- Patron livestream going back to actually being a livestream (thanks to those that trialed having a hangout instead!)

- Potential changes to patron perks based on the feedback from our survey (if you hadn't already filled it in and still wanted to, please do!)

- Probably other stuff...but I have to organise my content schedule 😝

Today I'll be putting out some other survey-bits for select tiers related to vote-on perks, so stay tuned for that! 

QOTD: do you guys want more regular check-ins like this? I know some of the people I'm a patron of have something they send out weekly 💜


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