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Hi team! 💜 Our lettering practice sheets for January are based on the lettering style that I using in my January setup. As this is the first time I've made a lettering practice sheet before, I'd love some feedback! In particular, I've got some questions listed below, but anything else you think it's worth mentioning I'd also like to hear 😄

- Are the letters too big/too small/just right for practicing?
- Does the dot grid help?
- Are the dots of the dot grid big enough/dark enough/etc?
- Are the grey letters for practicing too light/dark/just right?
- Is having 3 practice letters for each letters enough? Would it be better to have more/less? 

That's all I can think of at the moment, but as mentioned, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Also, let's just ignore that on the sheets I wrote Jan 2021 rather than 2022 😝 can totally see that happening well into the new year, haha 😅




Thank you! These are awesome. I think the dot grid was great for a background because I will definitely be using the letters on a dot grid (also it helps me to practice different sizes of the letters). The grey of the letters themselves were very readable on my printer, but the grid dots were a little too light and not all of them came out. IMHO three practice letters for each is good. Also, for this particular font I'm really glad that you included practice words so that we can practice fitting the letters in with one another.


I really like this lettering style! I like learning with the larger font size, (4 dots high( but it would be nice to also have practice sheets for smaller letters (2 dots high). Does that make sense?