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That season, of course, being cold and flu season!

I feel like I didn't even get over my last cold, only to go and get another (worse) one!

After spending most of the weekend in bed feeling sorry for myself, I have sent out last month's trigger tier files today. Which I luckily managed to record in-between illnesses.

Hopefully I can get back to recording soon. It's not much fun to record when you've got a sore throat, and no one wants to listen to a file with a hypnotist that sounds like a goose... okay maybe that would actually be quite funny. But definitely not hot!

Hope you are all well and healthy,

Love Lilith 



I hope you have a quick and speedy recovery Miss Lilith. I've been down sick myself, so I sympathize and wish you the best of rest and relaxation.


“Definitely not hot,” lol. I’m pretty sure you could read the phone book as jar-jar binks and make it sound hot. Jokes aside, don’t blow your voice out and best wishes boss.


Lilith, I spent years addicted to my female hypnotist, avoiding all others until I was given the job of reviewing providers - then I discovered you. It took me one trance before I was freebasing you with two or more sessions a day, every day! You drop me like a ton of bricks and always seem to know right where I’m at, what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling. You definitely know your stuff!


I do have an idea, a request for a session type/style. I even wrote up a rough induction that I emailed you. Is there an address that I can use to get you this script? Tell you about it here?

Damien Spiteri

I love the sound of your voice no matter how you sound.