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Just curious, for future files.



I don't like Slave, I like "pet" or good sub or " slut" like panty slut or cum slut or etc. I like "baby" or "little" or gentle words making me feel small. ABDL lingo and Little space Lingo and obedient sissy, fem or more.


I really like this. The idea of obedience, not just because you like or want to obey, but because you've submitted and surrendered to the point that you have no choice? Yes please!


I love the term "slave" - it serves as a reminder that i have no agency, no free will, no choice but to obey...that i am owned and exist only to serve.


“Property” & “Owner” are,top triggers for me. Also: Marks of ownership (perhaps a bar code tattoo on the back of the neck.) Left to wait on your owner, naked, outside. You get the idea


The idea that a slave is not entirely human is also a turn on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Able Bodie

In Reference to sex play? I'm good with it.


Hey, I know this is a few months late but I haven't seen anyone touch on this from this angle so here it goes. I'm BIPOC and have talked with other kinky BIPOC folk about this a bit. It does make some people really uncomfortable due to the history of the word. That said, I don't personally have anything against it, even if I don't know if I can ethically use it in a scene. I know some black folk choose that word specifically because of said history and how using it feels empowering, for example. I suggest listening to the Wien lectures on the All that and Mo podcast on Spotify. The speaker is an black Kinsterin who's been in the scene for decades at this point and has a lot of experience dealing with the intersection between kink and like, well, being black including but not limited to raceplay. Your faithful patron, Cora