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Hey, Sweeteas.

I know you may be expecting a new file today, but unfortunately, it's not going to happen this week. I'm feeling a little down and out of sorts, so I've decided to take a little bit of a break.

But don't worry, I'll be back soon. I have been testing out my new 3dio mic, it is a bit of a learning curve figuring out as it is a very different way of recording and editing.

In the meantime, why not revisit some of my classic files... I would love to know your favourites, and any you would love to see sequels to?  And who knows, maybe some inspiration will strike while I'm away, and I'll come back with something truly mind-blowing. 

Thank you for all of your support, it really does mean a lot to me

Much Love



I just discovered you and you seem to be just what I've been looking for. I hope you are well, take care of yourself.


Hope you are well, Miss Lilith


We have absolute faith and confidence in you, Miss Lilith!