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Scary Yui is best Yui


SAO Abridged Parody Episode 15

Watch "SAO Abridged Parody Episode 15" on Streamable.



Only the 17th episode, master of all 4 sarcasms could stop them. But when the internet needed SWE most, they vanished. 100 years passed, and this Otaku couple found the 16th episode, a very sarcastic 32 minutes. And while that time was great, there's a lot more sarcasm to be had. But I believe... SWE can save the world!.... yeah, I'm just bored, hahaha.

Ethan Schwenzer

Love the reactions! Though I’m a little bummed yt removed a couple of the earlier episodes. Could you guys post that here possibly? The episodes you guys have posted start with later ones. Thanks!


Thank you for the support!! Will look through our drive and try to upload them here! :)