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Do you think Fern will come to enjoy the slower moments in time and appreciate those memories?


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 1x4 The Land Where Souls Rest

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I find it funny. Ren and me have opposite reactions to all the time stuff in the series. She freaks out thinking about the passage of time, but I find it a good balancing feeling. Long living creatures don't have that rush to do things because of how long their lives are. Adversely, having smaller lifespans as humans do, the drive to do something with that life is what gives humans a purpose. Like in this show's previous episode. It took one human lifetime of 80 years to deconstruct, reconstruct, and build defenses around the killing magic. But doubtless, those that worked on it, left a mark in history that forever helped change magic and magic defense as a whole in the modern day. No doubt the texts that explain to mages in their academic studies how to use "basic offensive and defensive magic" attribute such spells to all those who made it possible and give lessons on why it is such an important achievement, even if it doesn't seem all that impressive in the modern day...