Krystal runs from King RedEye (Star Fox Adventures Promotional Image Recreation) (WIP) (Patreon)
2020-09-26 14:06:56
WarfareMachine's amazing Krystal update is live on his Patreon; time to put her to good use. Before I officially break her in with lewds, I wanted to give the image of Krystal being chased by the RedEye King (most commonly seen inside the front cover of the Star Fox Adventures player's guide).
To the best of my ability I've retextured a T-Rex from Jurassic World Evolution to better resemble the tyrannical monarch; it won't be perfect (I'm no texture artist), but I'll certainly do my best; will clean it up a lot in Photoshop too of course.
You can expect to see a lot more Krystal and Star Fox-centered content from me in the future.