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Hello guys !

I wanted to draw Muzan and yes, I chose to draw him like that. I loved SOOOOO MUCH that scene, I was so impressed by the suspens they created, with that complex place, with the reveal of these demons, and with Muzan appearing like that, his voice, his decision, how he killed all of them. I found the guy beautiful disguised as a woman ! I'm not sure I have the informations why he was like that, if it means something in particular or just if it was to a plan, but for now, I don't care. It was beautiful, that's all I know.

Thanks to one of you guys, I know also that a lot of fans are naming him Michael Jackson. I have to be honest, it made me laugh, but don't expect me to name him like that. First, because it took me time to remember his real name. And because with the few scenes I had with him, I weirdly "respect" the guy, as the amazing vilain that he is, the aura around him.



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