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LINK : https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ3Xg5Zl2bzQFADiH4Mks423ub3WuggcDmX

Hello !

Learning the names of these new characters, little by little, but clearly the writers are not helping me by bringing other ones ! And I'm not even sure that I need to learn all of these names, like I can feel that these writers can kill them in just one second. Even more now that the Colossal Titan reappeared. Our guys are really unlucky : it was 5 years ago, you just finished your training, it's your first day of work and TADAM, thunder, Colossal Titan.

I really have no hope for them to win right here. Not only because it's only episode 4 but also because we know so little about Titans in general and this one even more. I'm really like : he is something else than the others, he's clever, he has a mind, he has a purpose, when the other ones are just like zombies, slow, stupid, who just want to eat.

I'm still french, so I'm still sorry if my english hurts you.

My Twitter : https://twitter.com/ReactionsLaura




I've heard a lot of people get issues with YouTube and AOT's copyright. Hope you don't have too much trouble


Unfortunately, I have also these issues... I'm fighting hard, I didn't find how to deal with it perfectly for now but I don't lose hope 🙈 And being in advance for Patreon, it's helping me to fight for the ytb videos before them being published.


Reiner's friend: Berthold, Bertold, Berdthold, Bertoldo, etc. Honestly, you can call him whatever you want. Everyone always struggles with his name because the subs aren't always consistent with the spelling which can affect how you hear it. May I suggest "Bert" for short? I've always just referred to him as "that guy" before I figured out what his name was. Can't wait for your reaction to the next episode. Are we expecting 2 episodes a week for AoT moving forward?


Hello ! Yes, I don't know why I had such issues with his name but that's it, I remember it now. And yes, from now on, it's gonna be two episodes each week 😊