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Hello !

I made peace with the final episode of season 2 and decided that its incoherences were not gonna ruin the entire season for me. So I'm beginning this new one with an open mind and I was truly surprised to discover it. I didn't imagine that the consequences would be so "realistic" : spirits who need to find their places and humans to give them some, the Avatar who needs to deal with that and can't find any solution etc.

And another big one that I would never imagine : the return of airbenders. For what it means for Bumi and this community… If I would be sure that this is real and it's gonna stay, I would cry. But I have trouble thinking about it because I really don't understand how it worked. And we have a new enemy. I suspect a situation like in season 1, like he was the enemy of our old guys from ATLA and he's just back in the game.

I'm still french, so I'm still sorry if my english hurts you.

My Twitter : https://twitter.com/ReactionsLaura



Uhohmykokoro (Ari)

I already know that you appreciated the immediate jump in quality in the beginning of season 3. It’s palpable. This is my favorite season without a doubt. Every episode only gets better! Um, I can’t quite remember the explanation of the new airbenders. It was kinda random, but I’m just glad that they’re back. Also, I am very excited to hear you say “Zaheer” with a French accent 🤣


Hello ! Yes, the explanation is quite random and I gave up on having a real one, "harmonic convergence" seems to be enough for hundreds (maybe more ?) of people suddenly being "touched" by airbending 🙈

Ryan Lake

I know a lot of people felt the end of Season 2 was rushed and didn't give a lot of explanation, and I definitely agree with a lot of that, but the payoff - bringing back Airbending - is completely worth whatever happened in S2 IMO. I love the scene with Tenzin and his kids. I think it was one of the first times that made me fully realize how much it must of weighed on him after Aang died: Tenzin, the last Airbender. If you were to see Korra without having watching AtLA, I think moments like these wouldn't be nearly as impactful. But having that background knowledge and connection with the old show, really makes it hit deep. I thought it was interesting that you questioned if it was permanent or would get taken away, I think even into the next episode or two. I just never really considered that on my first watch through. On either show, the creators haven't been real clear on how/why some people can bend and some can't, but I think it is clear that there has to be a strong spiritual connection. They don't tend to give a whole lot of info about the world outside the shows, but one think they have mentioned that I thought is interesting, is that the amount of people within a nation that can bend is linked to the spiritual connection of that nation. The Air Nation is/was pretty small, but ALL of them are benders (before the 100 year war, too), because of how spiritually connected they all are, whereas the Earth Kingdom has a huge population, but only a small percentage can bend, because they don't tend to have a very strong spiritual connection. I won't go into more detail about what if anything they say about how the new Airbenders came about, but at least in my own "head cannon" - that's what I think about. After the genocide, even if there were people left who could potentially Airbend, the trauma of what happened sort of suppressed it. Somewhat like an obscurial in Harry Potter. But then Harmonic Convergence and the opening of the Spirit Portals allowed them to reconnect with that spiritual energy so that they could bend. That's just purely conjecture, though.


Hello again! Just to add a little explanation of how I saw things here : I think that I questioned the fact that airbending could not stay with these people, because I couldn't understand really how it happened at first, how it could be possible. For me, it was like a gift coming from nowhere, so something that they (the writers) could take back at some point also.