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Hello ! 

Hiiiiiiiii ! Did I love a lot to draw that wonderful character ? Yes, of course, because it was fun to draw but also because this character is clearly the fun part of the show. I saw it with some of the last episodes I watched and when I thought that Light would get rid of him, that I was truly attached to Ryuk and I wanted him to stay. Which is weird because when you think about it, he doesn't have a lot of lines and when he did really stuff, had action moments, it was for helping Light.

And you know my theory about it, I think that Light might be manipulating him, making Ryuk getting involved more and more into what he's doing. We'll see if I'm right or wrong, but that's how I felt it. No matter what, I love you Ryuk. But please, never come to visit me, I will hate it in fact 😂



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