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Hello guys !

A little drawing about Lyra and Pan. I loved the books a lot because of that when I was young but I think I'm not the only one. All persons who read them, at some point, we all wanted to have a daemon, that special connexion. The link between them was so powerfully described that I was feeling their pain when they were describing it, and when the show really did it on screen, it was awful, my all body was screaming.

Are you reading the new trilogy ? I'm doing it and I like it a lot for now : first opus was about a story when Lyra was a baby ; the second is about Lyra adult (after His Dark Materials books). I'm saying "I like" and not "I love" because some details are really disturbing/blocking me : with Will being absent, I'm feeling jealous for him each time that Lyra is near to a guy ; and I loved so much Lyra and Pan's relationship that I can't like to see them hating themselves so much also.



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