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A lot of my interactions, work, and time is spent on Discord. I hope you've connected your Discord accounts with Patreon. This will give you a relevant role and access to my server.

It's a chill place to chat, exchange ideas, exchange your latest kinky web finds, and just hang out.

My Discord Server

Invite link: https://discord.gg/fm5DpE2zwC 

If you've not connected your Discord ID to Patreon you can use your existing Discord account and join the server via the link above. Then message me your Patreon username and I will give you a relevant role and access to content.

Historical Content, Feedback, Requests & Ideas

You should explore the tags below posts and enjoy all my previous works. If you like something or get ideas for characters in those posts, you should comment on them.

I will follow up with your requests and ideas when I can. Remember: Not all requests can be made in time or sometimes at all as I am only one person with limitations. 

If you're in the higher tiers with Skeb commission request then please message me here or on the Discord server to detail your idea.

Discord and Fun stuff

There are several discord servers you can join and enjoy content in addition to mine.

You can get in touch with me via Discord. My username is gsendr1#6901
I will respond when I can to your messages.

Amazon Server: https://discord.gg/GEykktbwDD

Giantess Server: https://discord.gg/tnYkyGC4FK

Multi-Server: https://discord.gg/dGkrSGb78q

People with Extra Server: https://discord.gg/dGkrSGb78q 

Expansion Server: https://discord.gg/ktXdtmRKvn

Futa Server: https://discord.gg/78GbVeAN9Q

And, you all should know my DA by now: https://www.deviantart.com/gsendr1

Moving Again

I'll be moving to Delhi in the middle of this month. The infrequent internet access will force me to upload in batches and not regularly. So, be patient with me.

I will also be going for interviews and job hunting which will reduce my interactive times here. I will always read your messages, ideas, and submissions and respond to them - but, there might be some time gap in it.

I will not be able to stream as I do on weekends. But, I will try when I can. 

Mixed Themes

I will be making mixed themes this month from muscle babes to giantesses and multi-limb-focused content. What'd you like to see this month (comment below)?