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Excuse the errors and wonkiness of the story, I am writing this while medicated and sleepy. : )


With Tahsin in the market, several companies tried to compete by reverse engineering the treatment. But, most fell short with the second half of the treatment involving active nanites to tailor and control the negative or undesired effects of the derivative drug GoodCorp internally called Beta.

The knockoffs though cheap came with side effects like weight gain, excessive muscle growth, gigantism, and even futanarification.

Jason and Amanda were a newly married couple. But, their relationship started getting cold over the years. When they had met, Amanda was a few years older than Jason.

Back then they thought they'd make it work in the name of love. Sometimes, even love has its limits. With the rapidly changing environment and society of Moonvale their relationship started to wither. Amanda grew envious of the young women flocking to the city who would regularly keep Jason distracted.

Then came Tahsin, the latest offering from GoodCorp. Models, actresses, and rich women rushed for the new overpriced body modification procedure. In weeks the city was turned full of amazons of varying shapes and sizes. Her proud E cups were now a lower-than-average statistic with sizes going into custom JJ cups and beyond.

Tall lithe and sexy women were offered quicker career progression. Her junior's assistant was suddenly VP of marketing as soon as she was done with her Tahsin treatment funded by her rich parents. She'd gone from a meek and nerdy 5'0" to 7'9" of hourglass amazon who'd regularly wear cheap clothes several sizes small to rip and bust out of them all day long. She'd become the center of attention of every man and woman in the office. Once she yawned and stretched pushing her humongous tits out and visibly ripping the button holes in her blouse, the entire meeting room fell silent and hypnotized by her. They returned from their trance when she had regained her posture and "instructed" the CEO to continue what he was saying.

Keeping up with these enhanced women was also a failing fight for Amanda, at the gym, in the workplace, and now even in her love life. Jason being years younger and still running in his younger circles of grad school friends and gyms was regularly being hit on by these enhanced women. He'd go to parties and dissuade Amanda from accompanying him, as they'd just be too young for her and she should go out with friends and coworkers who were more her age and type.

Amanda couldn't afford the treatment but there were cheaper alternatives out there. Amanda opted for one of the medication treatments offered by a post-sri lankan (having survived the eastern conflict from a few decades ago) drug mega-factory.

Over the weeks the effects of the drug took hold of her quickly. She'd started eating like a bull. She had also started growing and soon needed custom clothes for her scale. Jason had been more attentive to her but not all good things were meant to last. Were they ever?

Soon she started piling on more and more weight. Her appetite would become painfully ravenous at dinner time. She'd gotten too big for their small apartment and had crushed a few pieces of furniture adding to her embarrassment and insecurities.

Then? Then there came the infidelity. Jason became more and more secretive about Amanda. He'd started to avoid accompanying her to public places and events. He'd mostly remain busy with work or "go out with the guys". He'd changed passwords to his phone. Amanda was being pushed away from Jason's life pretty quickly. The bigger she got the further she felt from Jason. She'd miss his soft mumbling every now and then given the growing height difference between them. There were times when it was just too difficult for Amanda to physically fit into Jason's life.

They'd stopped going to the movies when she couldn't fit her legs between the rows of seats and started needing three seats. Jason avoided going to the restaurants with her to avoid people gawking at them while the slim waitresses struggled to carry trays of 100lb meat platters (meant for the growing demographic of amazons) her wife would wolf down while asking for seconds. Jason tried to keep Amanda sated with home deliveries and all indoor activities.

Amanda, in her heart of hearts, suspected something was off with Jason. She was always living in the fear of Jason being stolen away by some slim or fit skank. One night her fears came true. Jason admitted to his infidelity. Amanda's fragile world had been shattered. Jason begged for her forgiveness, that he still loved her and promised to stay loyal to her but, that bridge had been burnt.

They tried to work on fixing their relationship with a counselor. One of the first issues Jason and Amanda were to work on was in understanding and accepting Jason's true feelings as well as Amanda's possessiveness. As a practice, Jason was to acclimate to taking Amanda out in public with him and taking pride in his overgrown wife. Turns out Jason was into big women, and not just big, giantesses he said. Amanda couldn't believe it. Jason blamed himself for forcing her to change to suit his desires, but Amanda was more than willing to enhance herself for him.

They wanted to explore their new size and relationship dynamic since their tragic night. While they waited for the waitress another uncanny couple walked... no crawled past them.

A true giantess over twenty feet tall, almost nude in some BDSM gear was led crawling on her knees and hands like some sort of pet by another ridiculously tiny woman.

Jason couldn't take his eyes away from the huge woman on her side. On all four she was taller than he would be standing. Her huge tits dangled to the ground. The petite woman who owned this giantess as a pet had stopped for another tall woman to exchange pleasantries.

With new relationship dynamics and changing perceptions of modesty, Moonvale was slowly turning into some perv's wet dream. Moonvale jurisdictionally sat outside of any country and was governed by the shared private ownerships maintained by the corpocracies of the world. A place with little to no laws and freedom for sciences and tech to run amok. But there still was the guiding hand of destiny and the ubiquitous and mysterious agency, appointed to keep the evils and wrongs of man and myths in check.

"Maybe it is a dream?"

"It sure is. But the sad part is; You... are the dreamt, Detective."

"And you are not?!"

"Even I am the dreamt. We all are."



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