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GoodCorp Biomedical Research Report #2-4-21

Experiment In-charge: Dr. Mia Hopkins.

Objective: Enhance female features by utilizing a cocktail of carefully cultured nerve cells made with CRISPR from SNPs identified and datamined from genomic data of a pool of candidates with desired physiology.

Method of Observation: Subject was housed in one of our surveilled onsite residence unit for 15 days. A picture was frame grabbed from surveillance every 5 days for record keeping with self reported measurements and self journaled experiences.


Day 1: Test subject Ingrid <REDACTED> was treated with a single dose of a batch of treated nerve cells, named Tahsin. Subject has shown some hesitation and shyness. Subject has further reported feelings of dissatisfaction with her skinny physique and a strong desire to and, I quote, "Cushion for the pushin".

Day 5: Subject showed increased appetite and rapid weight gain. Subject started showing positive physical changes from 5th day of observation. The weight gain is localized in ideal locales of female physique as identified by genomic data mining. Subject has also shown signs of a growth spurt and has grown a quarter of an inch. Subject has out grown her previous clothes and a fresh set of clothes have been provided as expected from her physique changes.

Day 10: Subject has grown 8" taller than her original height. What's she doing?! Stop recording this feed, now! Wipe that shit eating grin from your face Raoul and get the fuck out of my lab! No buts! Yeah! Har-de-har! I said butts, now go away and take a day off.

*Phew* Where was I? Let's rewind the video and - oh my God! She's been going at it for the last three hours. This is going to be a long day and it's just eleven o'clock.

Day 15: Subject has grown a foot taller than her original height, putting her at 6'7". Subject also exhibits exaggerated hourglass physique tending slightly towards a more pear shape. Outlet issue clothes have been difficult to acquire in her new size but, custom clothes have been ordered to dress the subject for her discharge from the facility as her growth and changes have stabilized.

Another unexpected change previously not identified is increased musculature and surprisingly enhanced strength. About 35% increase in muscle mass has been observed. We hypothesize that this added musculature is to keep up with the increased weight of subjects assets and to keep her mobile.

Her sexual desire has still not dipped to normal and subject reports staying in a lust driven haze for most parts of the day. Subject still remain cognizant and demonstrates full acuity in daily tasks; alleviating our fear of prolonged psychological hurdles. Subject has made peace with her changes mentally and physically.

Conclusion: Our product, Tahsin, works a little too well. We need to tune down the oomph our treatment can give or we'll end up with insatiable amazons which I believe our society is not yet ready for.



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