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Hi fellows. I hope you are all doing well. Since the ko-fi goal has not been reached, I will close it. The Patreon subsciptions are going to be blocked at the end of the month. The last reward is coming the 19th, so, if your subscription ends after, you are invited to unsubscribe now. For those who are not Patreons, you have till the end of the month to get all the content. I suggest you do it before the end, because you're gonna need some time to download everything, that's why I will block subscriptions the 25th, and close it the 1rst of March.

I want to thank everyone who supported me here, everyone who sent me kind words, everyone who commissioned me, and everyone who donated on ko-fi. As a content creator, it means a lot to me, and seeing that you are satisfied, means that I did a good job. I am grateful for that. Some of you are here since the beginning, and are still here now at the end.

Thanks to 21stcenturyjedi, who helped me bringing you content this past few months. 

I will sell my model, so if someone wants to use it for his own Patreon, or to have fun with it, send me a message. I will sell it to the highest bidder starting at 8K €.

Gentlemen, it has been a privilege doing this journey with you.


Lilu’s Husband



This was a journey.


I do believe you as a creator have bigger goals than Patreon it self. I do believe somewhere along the path, we will cross path many times.


This is my favorite page. Why do good things always have to end.

Ryan Searle

Sad to see your patreon is coming to an end. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.


Oh No! You’re one of the best I’ve seen 🙌 Buona Fortuna in your next venture!

cheuk hei wong

I love your creations, all the best ! Hope to see your work in other way.


Sad to Hear, your Art is Quite the Turn-On, cum back again, Please!

David Smith

Sad news, you have created wonderful models, I will never see your take on airline staff :-(. It would have been ... I hope your next endeavour works out for you. You have great talent.


It's been a blast BB, its been amazing working with you and the advise you have given me. All the best for the future!


oh man, this is terrible news.. you are the best one by far I hope to see you here one day again, for now best of luck 😥

Guy Jack

So sad, I wish I was able to support you sooner. Here is to the best AI artist.


Don't feel bad, you were part of the adventure, so thank you, what you said, really mean something and I very much appreciate it.


No….you’re the best.

The Shrekronomicon

your work is the best ive seen and ill be saddened deeply to not see you continue...Thanks for everything


Will you be back in future?


thank you for making us dream, for having experienced a great adventure for a few months. Your talent is undeniable and I am sure it will be put to good use in the rest of your career. Our paths crossed one day, they will cross again at another time. That's why it's only a goodbye and not a farewell. A person who draws women so well may not be a bad person. see you soon BB


All the pleasure was mine fellow ! Thanks for those kind words ! Then, see you soon Architecte 01 !


You are definitely the best erotic AI artist . Very sorry to hear that it didnt work out. Wishing you the best of luck for your future endeavour.

Edward Cotto

Brooo gracias por todo pero tu arte es lo mejor

Edward Cotto

Gracias por cada de talle de tu arte tu dedication


really sucks its ending...i love your content. best one by far. know of anyone else that has content like yours?

Visha mazo

ahh men a mi me gusta muchísimo solo que este mes tuve que pagar muchas cosas dije que iba a volver el próximo mes pero parece que ya no se podra :C pero me gusta mucho tu arte, ojala puedas en un futuro volver y es que recién encontré tu patreon el mes pasado y eso que lo busque bastante


refund please 😅 i pledge with 0 content, i was late i know . . . but content is gone