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Our next life-sized Pokémon is Ditto!!! Everyone's favorite copycat Pokémon has arrived, and we even threw in there his shiny counterpart! Ditto stands at a humble 1ft tall and like usual he has been cut by colors to make it easier to print him! This will also be the last life sized model with a plug version for printing as this model was the last to get that treatment. All future life-sized models will be only pin versions.


- Sits at 1ft tall

- Includes normal and shiny versions

- Includes smaller 4" and 6" versions 

- Separated by colors

- All pieces fit a X1C sized printer

- Has plug and pin printable versions

This marks another Pokémon registered in our pokedex and we look forward to you guys making this one! Next month will see the three classic starter Pokémon rereleasing with some great upgrades! I also have heard some of you wanting smaller versions of the pokemon with the multicolored parts separated and we have done just that! So you will have to wait and see what we have cooked up!

We still have one more major release that is coming tomorrow to round out this amazing month! See you all then




Dragon Ball Bloodlines

I have a question. I have read below that the starter pokemon are available with the "welcome pack". What is it ? Is it a perk for first time members? Because I am one and I would really love those


is it possible to get full size version without the eyes and tongue?