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It's the short month, so let's get this up a smidge early. Since it's on my brain at the moment, the theme this month is PIT FIGHTERS

0. You must post in the thread below to be eligible. Your post must follow the rules, have valid links, and your post must contain, at minimum, a complete thought. You must be okay with the finished picture being streamed and posted publicly. I reserve the right to not take a particular request for any reason. I do not check posts for validity until the first day I start the stream, so please get your request in before then and BE SURE you are actually following the rules.

0a. No, you may not privately message me a request or ask that your request be made private. You may ask me to obscure your name on the file if you want.

1. I will select about 6-12 images to draw (usually 10), and usually draw them around the last two days of this month or the first two days of next month.

2. At least three (and usually most) of these spots will be reserved for people who have not had a request answered in at least 6-8 months (was 4 months but the wait list is quite long now). Priority goes to people with the most time without a request answered. I will have a spreadsheet to help track this, but if you remember the last time you've had a request answered and you have been a continuous patron, feel free to inform me on your request.

2a. I also try to pick up some people who have never (according to my records) had requests done before, including new patrons, but this is not a guarantee.

3. Please post references for anything that's not easily searchable on google images. I'll sometimes consider text description for a single character so long as it's not overly complicated.

4. The drawings will be done to whatever degree of finishedness I find convenient at sketch time--sometimes they will be rough sketches, and occasionally (rarely) fully inked with limited color. This depends entirely on my mood and ability on sketch day.

5. Although I will try to step out of my comfort zone for several, you will have a better chance if you request something I like to draw (Check out the stuff I do for fun if you need an idea https://www.weasyl.com/submissions/rickgriffin?folderid=15100 ) This does not necessarily exclude fanart but it's certainly not something I do often.

5a. Will Not Draw List: You can find it here! 

6. Unless you state otherwise, I will assume you are okay with either SFW or NSFW. If you specifically want one, the other, or something more NSFW than my usual, you will need to specify. I am okay with depicting sexual situations for monthly sketches but I should still have some SFW works so it's not gonna be ALL NSFW.

7.  Two character limit, though also keep in mind that two characters are harder to draw than one character, so I will often select one-character drawings. Any drawing that necessitates three characters or more will NOT be selected. Please check if your requests strongly implies three or more characters, if I can't interpret it to be only two characters max I won't select it.



To keep the gag running, Misha ( https://sta.sh/21sqmlegku08?edit=1 ) tries showing off his moves to Spirit Dragon in the ring, and she simply wipes the floor with him, perhaps knocking the pants off him, literally.


Paris is at work sorting packages, and his mind wanders to what he and Porte did the other day. Despite himself, he gets aroused at the memory. Paris with an erection, wearing his work vest and holding a package.


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ecV5NPF59OZcHxy6tfiLP9JzlCCd_RqD?usp=sharing A buff Bailey and Claire are armwrestling to see who gets to fight next. Bailey doing her best, but she is losing the match.


NSFW idea. My collie Stephanie in appropriate attire for the pit fighters universe (so probably not much) getting Sultan's autograph, she's very excited and he's smiling happily as he writes his autograph in her book. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51996017/ Stephanie Ref


My idea is my roadkill guy prepping up for a fight, maybe ideally a second bout so he is already a bit hemmed up from the first one. Wouldn't mind a second character helping with either wound care or setting wraps, dealers choice if that's the case. Last sketch was in Dec so I'm low on the list! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SNkvPPOT92axdkmQCearrkdnynQ8ZpJ4?usp=sharing


nsfw idea my dragon https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50521730/ here no clothes in a boxing pose he would be on right side and on left side would be my 3 tailed wolf can draw him with 1 tail but he would be in same boxing pose https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53209253/ and the background is the ring with a camera showing the pit fight they are in is live both facing the same as to show both there family jewels