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So yeah, you might remember this pic: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10701918/ which I posted three years ago along with a poll about doing more mature works, and I have figured that I shall. I've stated a couple times I've wanted to go a more mature route with A&H Club and also Charli's gang and this seemed like a good way to dip my toes into the water.

 "oh no rick drew naughty parts etc" You guys know I'm not asexual, right? I started drawing furry stuff in *middle school* and was quickly pigeonholed into being the guy who won't draw a penis or a nipple and I never really appreciated that especially since for at least the last five years I made no secret of the fact I am *fine* with mature art, even DOING mature art. I have consistently found it ridiculous that this conversation even needs to be had; at some point the barrier needs to come down so people can stop scrutinizing me over whether or not drawing in genitals is too hot for the internet.

Besides, in the whole gamut of things *this is probably not even in the top 10 of dirtiest pictures I've posted*, it just happens to have genitals.

Why this picture in particular? I drew it with the bits in and figured it'd lose something if I took them out, and regarding the above I decided to let 'em stay in. It's CUTE dammit.




Naughty parts is just part of life, glad you're not shy-ing away. :) Came out awesome!

Jawara D. Pittman

Gotta also remember the breast size as well too.


It turned out really well! I wouldn't consider this mature, though. Draw what makes you happy!

Stoker Bramwell

I support this 100%. But you already knew that. ❤


I like it!

Rainbow Rodent

This is really, super cute!


Eh, I don't know if it's been that clear that you were fine with drawing mature art... or at least what you mean by "mature". I seem to remember that your FA profile said you were a "clean" artist for quite some time, and after you said you were open to more mature stuff, you never seemed to actually show any genitals. So personally, I thought you were fine with suggestive/teasing, but didn't want to actually draw any dicks :) In any case, I've liked your art when it was 100% clean, when it got a bit more risque, and I like this pic too :) I do think this pic is better with the bits shown--while toony style guys look better without danglies, I think guys in a more realistic style such as in this pic look a bit strange without them. But draw what you feel like, and I'm pretty sure I'll like it :)

Diego P

This is really cute! I personally am really glad you decided to cross that threshold




Glad to hear you're drawing what you like! You always put your characters in such cute and intimate situations, and that's why you're my favorite artist.


My original comment seems to be lost to the aether, so here's a paraphrasing: 1. With three years as a more-than-casual observer, I haven't perceived this strong desire from you before. If I'm not getting it, then casual observers won't either. Explore posting your mature art to places where people look for that. e621 currently has no Explicit-rated non-edited pieces from you. 2. Some people in the fandom promote "safe" art and artists to counter the perception that furries are more sexual than average, providing regular and clear counterexamples will stop them from continuing the idea that you're a safe-only artist. Do what you need to to break out of this frustrating box. I, for one, am fine with that.


Well, if you ever feel like taking a leap off the deep end, let me know. I'd be happy to collaborate, in my normal style. :3


I do recall a conversation I had with you over a decade ago, where you very directly criticized adult art, particularly my own, and told me you would never be doing any of your own. Ever since then I've been waiting until you, like every artist, explored that avenue. If it seems like people expect perpetually clean art from you, it may be because that's a realm you've flirted with but never actually entered.


I remember having this conversation with you a long time ago (different name from me) and you did seem slightly offended and I always felt awful for asking it since then. I guess the whole strange thing for us on this side is that we just never saw anything really "dirty" and I always assumed you never put it out so your comics could be family friendly and if people googled your name they would only ever find family friendly stuff so parents or such would be okay with your comics.


Very specifically, my early 20s were not a good time to be me and I ended up doing and saying a lot of stuff that wasn't even in line with what I wanted then, let alone now. I also remember that specific conversation and that was in the middle of a few months in particular in which I was really awful? I don't remember what I said but I'm positive it was petulant of me and I'll apologize for it.


That is true, the main thing keeping me back was family buuuuut I don't live with them anymore


I worked with opossums in wildlife rehab for a long time and I’m a fan of how well you draw them. The nudity’s fine, it looks like a natural part of the scene.


I'm super glad to hear you say that. If you ever want, feel free to hit me up on telegram/skype


I've always assumed you were one of the "Risque situations, but never exposed genitals/nipples" artists, especially because of your "Plushie" character designs. Seeing you actually post something that conflicts with your usual style is... weird. And not something I'd expect to see in any of your main galleries. (I figure EVERY artist probably draws NSFW art, but don't post it) On one hand - I am concerned about this change's effect on my ability to recommend you to non-furry friends and co-workers (Sexual depictions of animals and animal people is REALLY weird and creepy outside of the fandom), and the addition of the genitals in this image doesn't actually add anything to the image (Unlike the depiction of nipples in the 3-year-old drawing) On the other hand, casual public explicit furry nudity is my absolute favorite thing ever, and I'd absolutely love to see all your future art look like this (On that level), though I think that would actually be a bad idea. My only question is "Why are the background characters wearing pants?

Rex Wolf

If somebody asked me the question "Does Rick do any adult art?" I probably would have used the phrase "obsessively clean" to describe your work. I didn't know you were okay with mature art, let alone creating mature art. That said, I'm not in the least bothered by this decision on your part. :) Create what you want to create! The piece you've linked is an excellent one.


I can see where this decision came from and respect your decision to go with it. I grew comfy in the hind-sight that Housepets was written with a pure comic focus on that part and i actually appreciate that you continue different experiences to improve, which i always want you to do. That being said, I'm going to have to cut back on this on the bad flipside due to my open-ended life here, but i'll be happy to continue cheering for your support :3


See I really don't understand why I'm characterized as squeaky clean when I have drawn, y'know, things like <a href="https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22427433/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22427433/</a> and <a href="https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15633893/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15633893/</a>


I approve. I love that you are taking this next step. I wouldn't even consider this sexual. Just some naked guys having a pillow fight. Nudity isn't sexual and I'm glad to see you treating this subject so maturely. Thank you! I can't wait to see the future works and how you develop A&amp;H. This is going to be awesome!


You also have to remember that there could be quite a bit of fans out there that have no clue about your other accounts such as furaffinity. They probably just assume the comic is for kids or at least adorable when seen way back. That's always the short side i find when starting out with adorable comics =P


"SEND NUDES" 👐👐👐👐👐


It may not be justified, but visible genitals or non-Barbie nudity is (to most people) the single most impactful metric when placing something on the "mature content" spectrum. Sexuality, even when as blatant as it is in "Riley X Charli", is still only a secondary metric. I think most people require visible genitals to consider something truly mature, but it doesn't have to produce that maximum rating automatically. For the pillow fight image here, the nudity doesn't obviously relate to sexuality, however the rules on most furry sites would still rate it "Explicit" (i.e. the maximum), probably because there's little ambiguity about genitals, whereas there's a lot of ambiguity for other metrics like sexuality. Approaching the topic from the opposite angle, why are genitals so impactful? I think it's because the default/"modest" state for people in society is clothed, and if your work doesn't conform to that, then it's assumed that you must have a reason for doing so. As a further assumption, people will usually invent a sexual reason for the nudity. Fine art seems to often get a pass on the first and/or second assumption, probably due to the academic influence. Other areas of art don't, unfortunately.


It is cute! XD


I would love to see more pieces like that from you. Your artwork is amazing, and you create some incredible atmospheres with your pieces. Not even to mention your comics and writing ability~ 💛💛💛


&gt; So personally, I thought you were fine with suggestive/teasing, but didn't want to actually draw any dicks :) I was vaguely remembering that you had actually said you wouldn't draw dicks, and thought to check your commission TOS from last year (<a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1es7BoUGPmhdE13IyMg3SB8R-f3IyfY6TU7kf1idbLzI/edit)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1es7BoUGPmhdE13IyMg3SB8R-f3IyfY6TU7kf1idbLzI/edit).</a> It says that you "... will not take a commission that depicts: genitals, nipples on female characters, ..." So I think that's a large part of why you're thought of as "the guy who won't draw a penis or a nipple" :P And sure, what you'll draw for a commission doesn't have to be the same as what you'll draw for yourself, but I think this shows that you hadn't made it clear that you were fine doing mature art. Anyways, I suspect the next pic you do with a penis and/or nipples won't be as shocking/surprising to everyone :)


Boys will be boys. Draw more dongs! :P


Go right ahead!

Rex Wolf

Largely, that would be because Lola is classified as clean (I can see it without being logged in to FA), and because I can't see Riley at all (because I'm locked out of FA for who knows what reasons). Now, certainly Lola is suggestive, which I would tend to classify more as leaning towards mature... but I wouldn't consider it adult, and possibly not even mature, at least on first glance. There's no visible genitalia. In my books, even visible genitalia in non-sexual situations (like this pillow fight) only warrant a mature rating, not an adult rating. So, yeah... I'm perfectly willing to admit that part of it might just be that people don't (or can't) see the more mature stuff you do draw, for various reasons. (Being locked out of FA is one such reason.) Still, that will have an effect on how you're perceived, though there's not much you can do about those circumstances.