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So the Monthly Breakdown is gonna work differently now; with Mariah onboard helping with posting, we've shifted how the posting works. I'm still gonna give you links to major posts that happened, but it's all gonna be what's been posted on Patreon, and I'm going to give an overview about what I've been doing behind-the-scenes all last month.


Skinchange p42 

Shinchange p43 

Skinchange p44 

Campus Avenue #1 p20 

Campus Avenue #1 p21 


Print of the Month: WCIP Jealousy 

June Patreon Sketches 

In taking on the new scheduling, we've delayed comic posting a little bit to add in more of a backlog. Some projects have been put on hold, for June, besides the Print of the Month, I have been working exclusively on Ani-droids and Skinchange.

Ani-droids is almost ready! I've done a very ambitious thing and *every chapter of the book* will have an illustration, and a lot of work days were dedicated to making sure they were as polished as I could make them. My editor for the book is being very meticulous and the edits are still taking a while longer, but all of that should be done by next week. It's entirely possible I'll have this book ready before the end of July.

Skinchange has been running longer than I anticipated, but with additional focus on it I will likely have a healthy backlog of comic pages to keep posting. I've technically already finished (at least my part) out to page 48 and expect to have more pages ready to post on the new schedule (Tuesday and Thursday).

Thank you again for your continued support!



Can we expect an audio book version of Ani-Droids soon, as well? Or will that take a while longer?


I do not have that lined up yet, I'm waiting until the text is finalized, so it's probably gonna take another 2 months. And I'm going to have to get someone other than Rafe to read it because the book is significantly american- and female-oriented.

