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Farm Life 1

Farm Life 2

Farm Life 3 [NSFW]

Farm Life 4 [NSFW]

Farm Life 5 [NSFW]

Farm Life 6 [NSFW]

Farm Life 7

Farm Life 8 [NSFW]

Farm Life 9

Farm Life 10 [NSFW]

Farm Life 11 [NSFW]

Farm Life 12 [NSFW]

Farm Life 13 [NSFW]

Farm Life 14 

I feel a little hyperaware of just how absolutely indulgent this story is. Like, I know how much it's fucked up. I don't want to make excuses, but I also don't want to hamstring the fantasy by making the relationships different from how they feel like they ought to be. I dunno, I feel like if Beastars can get away with it then I'm not really doing much different.

Anyway! These sections have been a bit longer than previous ones, I dunno why, it's just worked like that. Comments appreciated!


Okay, maybe I'm just dumb, but in my head it seemed innocent enough. Nel had really only reinforced that, acting for a little bit like a regular citizen despite, you know, the naked thing, and I'd never seen the other farmhands get into even a fraction of the trouble I had. I figured, perhaps, once the animals had just accepted that I was a citizen and they weren't allowed to bend the rules around me anymore, I could just relax and not worry every second I spent around them.

So in retrospect, I am just that dumb.

Anyway, approaching the stables, I got the bath basin ready and hosed down the back of the truck at the same time. By the time I'd gotten the soap and the scrub brushes out, Penni and Magic and several of the others had already lined up for their bath, which... okay, no matter how much I told myself it was strictly professional from here on out, well, you know all those raunchy teen comedies with the ladies doing a charity car wash and it's obviously just an excuse to get them into a wet t-shirt contest? Imagine that, except there's no car, and no t-shirts.

I did help the ladies get lathered up, though because the horses were just so dang tall I couldn't exactly reach their manes without them kneeling in the tub. And there was a lot of combing and brushing, but all through that I managed to keep my pants on, despite continually bumping into the lean muscular forms and having to reject a kiss or eleven. I almost got caught between two of the girls as they just used their combined weight to pin me between their excruciatingly rippling abdomens, but turned it around on them with a cold spray of the hose.

I mean, they were completely naked, rubbing their very flat but prominent breasts, ostensibly to keep the lather going. There was absolutely nothing to hide--I saw them from every angle, especially underneath. And yet, I didn't even touch my cock. I was actually quite proud of myself for avoiding the temptation, but I could barely stand to take in how beautiful and perfect each of these ladies were. Eventually, I just sat on top of the truck, soaking wet, with my thumb on the end of the hose raining down the rinse of the group of girls as they continued to tease me with their bodies.

Eventually, the bath was done, and I ushered the girls to go dry themselves off with a nice run. When they were finally out of sight, I removed my soaked overalls and hung them over the back gate of the truck, fully intending to dry them with a few laps around the horse pen before I went to pick up the fresh straw, when a shadow suddenly blocked out the mid-morning sun.

"Oh... Hi, Rocket," I said.

She was chewing on some grass. "You didn't notice I was missing?"

"Well, I thought maybe you didn't really need the bath," I said. Sometimes it was hard enough to wrangle the girls together for the group activities, and I didn't want to have to go chasing down one when the other seven were all willing participants. The seven might have gotten bored in the meantime.

"Nuh-uh. Darleen wants me pregnant, you owe me a bath."

"Uh... yes, of course," I said. I reached up for my overalls again, but she snatched me away first.

"Nuh-uh," she said, dragging me down to the basin. "You owe me, pup."

"What for!"

"For all those hurtful things you said," Rocket nodded. "It wasn't like you to treat me like an animal."

"But... but you are an animal..."

"Yeah! But Ivory and Belle said otherwise. Said you were their favorite person for a long while cause you weren't so cold. And besides, you never paid me back for helping you out that first day."

I was starting to realize that Rocket wanted me alone, to herself. I struggled in her grip and stumbled backwards onto the grass, landing on my ass. She turned to look down at me from on high, hands planted firmly on her hips.

I folded my arms. "Rocket, it's not like I don't care about you," I said. "I do. Believe me, I'm upset that Darleen apparently had to sell off so much of the livestock here. If it were up to me, this farm would be running different."

"Different how?" Rocket asked, curious.

I blushed. In my head, the first image I pictured was a daily orgy, but I shook it out of my brain. "I mean... this is your farm, too. We shouldn't just treat you like property."

"Honey, I am property," Rocket sighed. "Have been my whole life."

"Okay, maybe legally, but why does that mean we have to disregard your feelings?" I fell back onto my back, as craning my neck to look that high was getting tiring. "This doesn't have to be just a farm, this could be a home. Like instead of selling everyone off when we don't make ends meet, we instead do everything in our power to make sure nobody has to go. But to Darleen, it's just a business. Which I get. We can't keep hundreds of animals if we don't have the money or resources to take care of everyone. But maybe the point of it should be making a nice home more than profit."

I hadn't even thought of any of that before I said it. I suppose I was trying my hardest to stop thinking for myself regarding Darleen's farm and her decisions--it was hers to do with what she saw fit, after all. But the more I thought about it the more I just disagreed with how any of this should work.

Rocket Surgeon laid down in the grass next to me, pressing up against my side. I leaned into her, and she wrapped her muscular arms around me, holding me tight.

"I guess it'd be nice, but it's just not how things are done, are they?" She asked.

"No," I said. "The way it's done is that you have farm workers and farm animals. And the workers do all the work and get paid and get civilized living, and the animals get to do nothing but lay around and eat, in exchange for being bought and sold and slaughtered whenever we think it right."

"Still better than the wild, isn't it?" Rocket asked. "You think Nel ever asks the field mice and rabbits she catches if they're okay with being a meal for her?"

I shrugged. "At least it's natural. At least that's honest."

"I like your idea better," Rocket said. "Even if you can't fix the entire world, it'd be nice if we could make this little patch of it work right."

"Well, that's not gonna happen," I sighed. "If Darleen caught me laying here, naked, and pressed into your absolutely gorgeous body, she'd fire me and nothing would ever change."

"Come on then," Rocket said, pulling me up and dragging me to the wash basin. "Let's get you properly busy so you have an excuse to ogle my gorgeous body."

I didn't really have a choice at that point. With a basin of fresh water, I started lathering Rocket Surgeon directly, starting with her mane but making sure to properly, thoroughly scrub down every inch of her coat. I gave her special attention, lots and lots of brushing and coming out tangles, making sure that she was going to be the most presentable of all the girls.

She didn't make any more moves on me, she just let me use my hands to feel her up and down. It was, I thought at least, enough to satisfy me until I had time that evening to get back together with Darleen. I hadn't thought about fucking other animals while fucking Darleen even once for at least a week now, but I figured, a little bit of indulgence couldn't hurt. Rocket really was as gorgeous as I'd let slipped--something about that sheer muscle on her. Despite her being a prey animal, she sure seemed like a a strong protector.

I was distracted momentarily when I rubbed my paws over her teats. I didn't intend on it, but they were just so soft in my hands, I forgot I wasn't supposed to let myself get distracted and just held them there, smiling.

Rocket, for her part, had soaped up her fingers without me noticing, and shoved two of her large fingers into my rear. I clutched her tighter in response, my voice failing to give way or even protest. My lines of thought were now scrambled all over the place--which Sammy was I now? The one who was Darleen's prize farmhand? Or was I the one who was constantly letting those boundaries slip... slip... slip... she pumped her long fingers in and out of me.

"O-oh..." I moaned quietly, pressing more firmly into her side.

"Good boy," Rocket nickered quietly. "That's right, relax, pup."

I couldn't make myself snap out of it; I was so pent up and stressed by all the serious talk lately. I hoped, maybe, that just by doing nothing at all that I would do nothing wrong. But nothing at all included my cock sliding all the way out of my sheath to full, firm erection, and my fingers just lightly grasping and rubbing Rocket right where they were. I was sure I was making stupid faces for as much as I was squirming in her touch.

"Are you enjoying this, puppy?" Rocket asked.

"Mm-mmm," I mumbled. I managed to eke out, "Shouldn't..."

"Shouldn't what, love?" She plunged her fingers in deeper. "Don't worry about it. I won't tell anyone, promise."

"G-god..." I muttered, rubbing my face against her like I was going to merge in with her torso. "I love all you girls so much you know? But I just can't..."

Rocket giggled. "We all really love you too, farmhand. Better when you're nice and relaxed and willing to have a bit of fun."

"Yer just loosening me up..." I nibbled her side as she nearly lifted me up with her arm, buried into me up to her knuckles. "Won't work..."

"Won't it?" Rocket asked, punctuating her statement with a finger-fucking motion. I couldn't help but whimper as she fiddled with my prostate, and she pulled me up to her chest. Holding my back with her free hand, she then swallowed my erection with her entire face--she had a very long muzzle, and easily engulfed my entire cock with little effort. My hips bucked up towards her, unable to stop myself. I was moaning loudly as she sucked on me with the power of a vacuum cleaner, but like... much nicer.

I came suddenly inside her mouth, moaning louder and louder as I arched back in the air, but Rocket only kept sucking and stroking, driving me over the edge. I lost track of whether I was screaming or not. I felt like I was drowning, invited by sirens into a warm pool, feeling my cum fill her throat without so much as a drop spilled. When I finally snapped out of it, she had released me from her muzzle, and I collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily.

"Shh," she said, leaning over the edge of the basin and licking me clean. I reached up and pressed my fingers into her thin, clean fur as I shivered and trembled. It was just so warm and soft.

"Rocket..." I whined. "I was doing so good..."

"Did you not like it?"

I flumped into the grass. "No, I loved it... I still love it, goddammit... but it's still wrong."

Rocket smiled. "Legally, perhaps, but why does that mean we have to disregard your feelings?"

I gave her a strained look.

"I promise I'll keep it on the down low," Rocket said. "Though maybe a little less howling would help in that regard."

I blushed, looking away. Rocket did an excellent job cleaning me up, however, dumping some of the basin water over my crotch and letting it rinse me off. She took me in her arms again as we sat there, and I leaned in close, burying my face against her chest.

"Okay, but we can't do this, Rocket," I said. "Once is a mistake, but I'm not gonna let this rule me anymore, okay?"

"Okay," Rocket said, petting my back. "But you might wanna tell them that, too."

I immediately bolted upright and turned--seeing in the distance a truck rumbling across the field, pulling with it a horse trailer. Instantly, I became aware I was naked--at least I wasn't sporting an erection anymore--and dashed around the truck. I got on all fours and shook my entire body as hard as I could, throwing a spray of water everywhere like an irrigation spout, then grabbed my not-that-much-drier overalls and shoved them over my still sopping wet fur.

Did they see me? Did Darleen see me from the edges of the property? It was one thing to forgive a lapse in myself, but another to be caught making it by literally anyone else, champing at the bit to throw me to the wolves. Or coyote, in this case.

When I heard the truck stop, I panted heavily. I opened up the truck door and pulled out the file folder that Darleen had handed to me, and turned and marched around the truck, into the open, to meet the driver.

"So, this is the stallion?" I asked, trying to act completely nonchalant. "I apologize, this is my first time doing anything with racehorse breeding."

"Mm hmm," the truck driver said. The tiny weasel was smoking a cigarette and wearing one of those flat caps--he barely looked in my direction and looked more like he wanted to get back to whatever else he was doing. "Sign this." He handed me a liability waver.

I looked at it. I didn't even read the entire thing, but I caught enough of it to see the fines for allowing Cloudy to in any way get injured. I swallowed. "Uh," I said, "...a racehorse of this high quality stock should have handlers... right?"

The truck driver snorted as he pulled a key of his keyring and pressed it into my hand. "Cloudy? Don't make me laugh."

"I thought he was a champion."

"Yeah, of the Straw League."

I didn't follow horse racing so I had no idea what that meant.

"Did the owner tell you anything at all?"

I shook my head. "She handed me a folder and told me to get the girls ready..."

"Alright, it's like this. For most champions, horse breeders just collect the stallion's semen, freeze it, and ship it for manual insertion."

"Uh-huh," I said, feeling slightly fortunate I didn't have to do that.

"Course, it's expensive enough that it makes there a black market for horse semen. Counterfeit semen's rampant. So, if you want to make absolutely sure that you got the real deal, you want the stallion present for the insertion."

"Makes sense," I said. "Is that more expensive?"

"Oh, much," the driver said. "That's when I have to be bothered to haul his entire ass down here. Though, in this case, it sounded like your owner wanted to make this into a bulk pricing deal and get a whole eight pregnancies out of one visit. Well, you got one afternoon to make it happen, as he's due back upstate tomorrow morning."

I blinked. "Darleen is not my owner!"

"Ain't you a farm dog?" the weasel asked.

"Farmhand!" I said. "I'm a citizen!"

The driver looked me up and down, then snorted again. "Whatever. Point is, you want eight pregnancies, that's your job. You ain't paying me or Cloudy's owner enough to guarantee it."

"But he'd want to guarantee Cloudy's safety, right?"

"Eh," the weasel shrugged. Throwing a single latch, he unhitched the trailer from the truck and climbed in again. "I'm going to town for lunch and a flick, be back by six whether you're ready or not."

"Wait, this doesn't make sense!" I said. "A champion should be well-protected, right? Isn't he an investment for his owner as well?"

The truck driver rolled down the window to glare at me. "Look, trust me, Cloudy's strong and doesn't take shit. He's gonna be fine."

"Well, if you say so..."

"No, his safety is not what's gonna concern you in a moment."

I tilted my head. "What do you mean by that?"

The weasel just laughed and peeled off back down the pasture toward the entry.

Blinking, I looked at the key in my hand, then went around the back to unlock the trailer door.

"Uh, Cloudy With A Chance To Show?" I asked into the dark. There were lights beyond--a television screen that I could see, and I heard the stallion rustling from his bed.

"Oh, we here already?" he asked, in quite light and lofty tones. "You my lil' farmhand?"

"Yeah," I said. "You got a lightswitch in there? I need to make sure you match the photos."

"Absolutely sugar," he said. "Just saving the battery." After a moment of groping, he threw the switch with a loud clack, and three overhead lights came on.

Cloudy was sitting rather sultrily on his bed. This horse, hickory brown with a blonde mane and a single white blaze down his forehead, was absolutely jacked--though a majority of that came in the legs. He had a broad, powerful chest, not bodybuilder style but like a real runner, with a thick and heavy core--his neck and arms were more modest but no less toned.

That was him, alright, I checked the photos, and with his legs spread out like that it was easy to tell that he was indeed still fully intact without any surgery scars. No... the problem was this little bedroom of his. He clearly spent time in here and had personalized it more than Darleen usually allowed of her animals. And it sure looked like Cloudy was a fan of races himself, given how many posters there were of champion winners.

Male. Every single poster was of male horses, with little red and pink paper hearts pasted around them.

"So, sugarbuns..." Cloudy said, leaning forward on his bed and letting his ass jut into the air just so. "Why don't you come on up in here and show me what's underneath those overalls of yours?"

Ah, fuck me...


Shiny Umbreon

I love this story a ton, but the premise frustrates me just as much. Nothing about it makes any sense, sapients being treated like animals despite the clear ability to think, feel, and love just like anyone else. I have to suspend my disbelief into the next dimension to enjoy this story, and that bothers me. I'm sure you're well aware and I'm just wasting my time, but still. Note that I seriously love this story, my premise complaints aside.


Well first thought after finishing reading that was wow, that chapter just feels right. Other thought was when Rocket told Sammy to turn around I expected the other girls to have gotten back from their runs and caught the end. As for the end of the chapter of course that’s how that goes, but I’m rather sure some creative solution(s) will be found. Then I’m just curious about your beastars comment and what you think they are getting away with. Far as that goes It seems like a lot of people are loving reading, and I’m sure we all want you to be triplly or more so writing!

Kit Foxboy

Gonna get heavy for a fun but of unique erotica for a sec. I know what you mean but if you think about it, different groups have been dehumanized and stripped of rights despite obvious, unambiguous sapience on the grounds of "moral character" or ethnic makeup throughout history. I think it's especially good that he chose the term citizen to contrast with animal given that the term has always served to delineate who has rights and who has none. The obvious assertion of universal human rights holds no water in many nations if you aren't part of the in group.

Shiny Umbreon

And to an overwhelming majority of developed nations in the information age, such practices are very widely regarded as disgusting and wrong. But that's not what Rick is portraying here, which is my problem. This isnt some ass backwards country where humans not having rights is okay. This is supposedly a developed country where everyone speaks the same language and race doesnt actually matter, only whether or not you wear clothes and who you have sex with matters. It's like rick wanted a more serious setting like you were pointing at, but then shaved off anything that would be particularly uncomfortable or disturbing, resulting in... this really fake and contrived feeling setting.

Kit Foxboy

Your opinion is yours to hold of course. The whole conflict is between civilization and the wild and Sammy seeing the lines become so blurry as not to matter. Realizing it IS an arbitrary and made up distinction is part of the story, even if it's just to facilitate horny fun-time. Whether intended or not, it is a serviceable commentary on the artificial nature of many social constructs, particularly how they pertain to repression. It seems to me that this whole thing is a fantasy about going wild and freely indulging despite what others around you consider civilized. Also, you sure it's that cut and dry in the developed world? Being stripped of rights or put into different legal categories for who you have sex with or the clothing you wear isn't an uncommon goal for social conservatives. Ask gender non-conforming people among the lgbtq community in the US being cast as child predators and facing renewed legal battles for equality how that's working out for them.

Shiny Umbreon

Yes, I am very sure, because to achieve the hellworld that is "people who wear the wrong clothes or have sex with the wrong people are treated like property" requires that most of the world finds that acceptable and has done so for a long time. That's not what's happening IRL, and it never will again. What gender nonconfirming lgbtq people are facing is not comparable to what's in the story, the fact that they can even have legal battles in the first place puts them on completely different levels than what's going on in this story. I get what you're going for, honestly I WISH what you were trying to compare to was actually going on in the story, at least then it would be believable and relatable.

Kit Foxboy

You make a good, solid point. It still seems like a matter of degrees to me. Once someone is dehumanized, their status as people and everything that comes with it is up for grabs. Rights are never completely set. There is no "never again" I'm afraid as long as extremists exist in force anywhere. But this is reading a lot into it, I'll concede that it's a pretty extreme depiction in the story and it's a premise that primarily facilitates farm sex above all. Oh! By the way, shiny Umbreon is my favorite shiny of all time. 🤩