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Farm Life 1

Farm Life 2

Farm Life 3 [NSFW]

Farm Life 4 [NSFW]

Farm Life 5 [NSFW]

Farm Life 6 [NSFW]

Farm Life 7

Farm Life 8 [NSFW]

Farm Life 9 

My manic phase for writing this has thinned out, but I still have a couple more days worth of material to show you. Comments appreciated!


I’m sorry to say, I was a pretty bad boy after that. I tried to limit myself, I really did—even with Darleen and I having our fill of each other an hour every morning and two hours every night (there was work to be done, after all), it wasn’t really enough to satiate me completely. Ivory wasn’t exactly going to stop being horny anytime soon, but I did manage to brush her off most days—even if they days I gave in I was certain I came in her as much as I did Darleen.

The strange thing was, it didn’t really seem to matter. As the weeks rolled by, other farmhands were pulled away to other tasks, and I didn’t really need them at all. Once the matter of my authority had been settled, they really did just line up for me without any cajoling or acting out on their part. Maybe it was because they were all excited about who’d get to ride my cock next (again… I tried to limit that), or maybe it was because Nocturne had calmed the hell down, and there was less stress among the group overall.

Despite Darleen’s insistence otherwise, I was certain all Nocturne really needed was someone to tend to him, which I did. I didn’t always let him pound me, most of the time I just sat with him a while and stroked him off with my paws, which didn’t do very much for my hormones. I limited our actual sex to once a week, with me telling myself I’d wean off it eventually. He was much calmer around me every day, to the point I didn’t even need to tie him up. But it didn’t exactly change his disposition; more than once he’d just pick me up and drag me off without so much as an explanation, but he knew I could get away if I really had to.

Darleen, to her word, left me to try and figure this out on my own. She did seem rather worried every evening when I came back in for supper, expecting to see me having ditched my overalls altogether. But I was determined, despite it all. I loved Darleen, I wanted to marry her, and I wasn’t going to manage it by turning into Nel.

Darleen worried about me all the time, nevertheless; I saw it in her eyes.

“Sammy, we have a problem,” she told me when the stars had rolled around to mid-August. “Freddy’s gone and quit, apparently his father died and he needs to go home to take care of his maw.”

I felt like I'd taken a punch right to the gut. Freddy was one of the few other farmhands I actually liked, and he was leaving?

“I’m not blaming him for that, but that leaves us shorthanded with the cattle. I know you ain’t missed a single milking or feeding with the goats, but I’m gonna have to ask you to move on up to the cows. I’ll take over the goats until we can find someone to replace Freddy.”

“Darleen,” I said, “You haven’t been able to retain anyone else. We were barely making money before, what makes you think this will help anything?”

"Well, I'm hoping that maybe the pay increase might attract some new blood."

“I told you not to take out a loan.”

“It’s a government farmer’s loan. Those are fair.”

“They’re only fair insofar as the market agrees!” I said. “You’re not increasing production, you’re trying to maintain where we’re at…”

“Sammy, don’t take this the wrong way, but don’t ‘we’ yourself into my farm. It’s mine, and my decision. And I need you to learn how to handle the cows. Don’t worry so much, they’re just like the goats but bigger. And try not to let your cock do the walking, would ya please?”

I had a feeling Darleen was mostly putting up with me because I was getting more results than the other farmhands. I’d been able to handle all the goats by myself, whether or not I did it in a manner approved of by the government. I knew the other farmhands were still whispering about me, and Darleen had defended me to them directly, so I didn’t push it any further. I didn’t want to upset her more than my mere existence already had.

Darleen owned significantly more cattle, at least a hundred head. A lot of the cattle had calves at the same time, which meant a lot of extra mouths to feed, which meant a lot more work for me. I was glad to do it, though; I was just happy to be doing something, really.

Thing was, they didn’t really make eyes at me the way the goats did. When I joined in the milking and rotating the fields, they treated me more or less like any other farmhand who did the job. I could tell they were kinda miserable at that. It was more or less the same story as the goats writ large, they just seemed all the more used to the routine of the labor. I never actually ran into the bull those first few days, he stayed well out of sight.

That was, until the third day of the new labor, I was filling the feed trough and heard a familiar voice behind me.

“Yoo-hoo, farmhand!”

I turned. In front of me was the thick, voluptuous Miss Belle. I hadn’t actually rotated into milking her yet, but I could see she was of that similar disposition as Ivory: troublemaker. She batted her very long cow lashes at me.

“Belle,” I said with a firm nod. “It’s not feeding time yet, go back and wait until I open the gate!”

“Oh, what’s wrong?” She frowned. “I had to hear from Tress that you’d been moved up to working cattle for three days now and you didn’t even stop by’n say hello!”

“Yeah, because I have work to do!” I insisted. The firmness was practiced, but even then it felt wrong to say it. “Besides… you and your friends are enablers.”

“Enab-what?” She asked, tilting her head.

“You know. That whole thing where you and Ivory and Rocket all went up to me at the same time, acting like you just wanted to help but you really just wanted to get my pants off!”

“Oh yeah, Ivory’s been telling me all about that.” Belle giggled. “You two sound like you’re having a blast together. She really likes you, you know.”

“Well, it’s gotten me in a lot of trouble,” I said.

“What sort of trouble?”

“Wh—Belle, you can’t not know.”

Belle shook her head. “I’m sorry, darling. I’m not the brightest. You’re gonna have to spell it out for me—so to speak, on account of I don’t know how to spell, neither.”

“I mean,” I said, “Citizens and animals aren’t allowed to… mingle like that.”

“Well you sure sounded like you’re having fun.”

“I was! That’s not the point! The point is Darleen’s scared I’m gonna stop being a farmhand and start being an animal, and she needs me to help work this farm!”

“Dear, you ain’t gonna be an animal,” she said. “You’re too smart for that.”

“I’m not sure the government really cares…” I muttered.

“Well I don’t know nothing about no gov’ment, but you’ve been making Ivory very happy and I’m grateful for that. You deserve to be happy, lil’ farmhand.”

Belle then lifted me up off the ground and squeezed me tight to her massive chest. Even milked, her breasts were massive, and I really didn’t have anywhere to put my arms but atop them. And let me tell you, cows have a lot of lip. When she kissed me, she had a lot of face to do it with—and her tongue penetrated me in my mouth. Penetration was all I could think of, and before I knew it, I was kissing her back. I’d started to grow accustomed to becoming a different person entirely whenever I felt my cock swell up beneath my overalls, and there was simply no resisting him coming to visit today.

When Belle pulled away, my face must have been messed the hell up, and my expression a stupid bashful grin. I tried to make some noise, but before I could even pull drifting thoughts together, she’d already explored a hand down the front of my pants. I bit my lip as her rough fingers stroked the tip of my erection, having gone from nothing to rock hard in the space of a few seconds.

“Oh wow,” She said, apparently impressed. “You like me too, lil dog?”

“Er…” I started.

“Shush shush, it’s alright,” she said. “Let’s go over where we can be in private. I don’t want you to worry or nothing. Thirsty, darling? I think I have a bit left if you want some.”

I felt so cozy in her arms. She didn’t even work my erection, and I didn’t care; all she did was take me into one of the sheds, sit down with me and press me up to her tit. I did drink at once, and the taste was a lot more familiar than I wanted to admit. While I drank, she began to slowly rub me against her breast. It was a little too slow, and a lot too soft, but the effect was undeniable. I moaned.

"Come on, come on!" I begged. "Do something! Do something! You're driving me crazy here!"

"Well, I don't know how to drive you 'crazy,' but I can give you a lift," she teased. She rose up and moved her body up and down as she leaned backward. Her huge breasts swung forward and back, and her nipples grazed my thighs as she moved. "But I do know how to please a male."

She took hold of the base of my penis and started rubbing me between her tits. It was warm, soft, and wet, and I bit my lip at once, arcing my back until I fell back on the shed floor. Where had my overalls gone, anyway? I hadn’t been paying attention. It didn’t matter; I felt locked up like a plastic figurine. every part of me was stiff and needful and I needed it all loosened up as soon as I could get it.

Then Belle plunged those massive lips down and around my cock, and I suddenly had an epiphany. I’d not been going much for oral sex, but for Belle I could certainly make an exception—she had worlds in that massive mouth of hers. Her tongue rolled back and forth over my entire shaft, knot and all, like a surging storm in the sea, stippled with the soft textures of a painter’s brush. I almost didn’t feel like coming at all; it would have been like stepping away from a masterpiece after studying it for all of a second.

Belle looked up at me, concerned. “Hon? You alright? You look—”

Keep going!” I screamed.

Belle shrugged and plunged me back in. This time I rolled with it, bucking my hips with wild abandon, the biggest stupidest smile on my face. At that point I didn’t care if God was real and was damning me for my behavior, cause I’d already found heaven. And then when Bell sucked in, oh how the tides changed, how far I’d been pulled into distant lands. I howled giddily, gleefully. I laughed, I think I may have cried too—not since that first time with Nocturne had I been so utterly changed by an experience.

It took an unusually long time, but the story was coming to its climax. I eventually bucked into her, with much room to spare, and came inside her mouth. I saw stars. I felt like my legs might collapse under me, but she just kept slurping and sucking. After I finished I was spent. My whole body quivered and trembled, and I couldn’t have gotten up if I wanted to. I think she was about to swallow me whole.

Finally dry, my back hit the floor, legs tingling. “God damn,” was all I could mutter.

“Don’t talk too loud,” she said.

We sat there in silence for a while, listening to the sounds of work from outside. We could hear the occasional bellow of the bull, and more often than not, the sound of someone getting dragged into the barn. The cows would complain and moan as they got their feed, and sometimes one of the goats would join in, which made them all laugh.

I turned to Belle, still unable to believe what had happened. I don’t think anyone knew where I’d hopped off to, but I could hardly move from the floor.

“Belle…” I thought after a long moment. “Do you… uh… need me to reciprocate?”

“Aw, if you’re not up to it I won’t make ya,” Belle giggled. “Really, I’m fine. I’m just so happy to make you happy. That’s all I really want.”

“You’re a sweetheart, Belle,” I said. “I hope it won’t be too imposing if I ask for that again sometime soon.”

“Why not now?”

“Because about fifteen seconds from now, Darleen is going to slam open that sliding door and drag me back to the farmhouse by the ears.”

Belle blinked. “What? But we’re—”

“Alone?” I shook my head. “No we aren’t. We’re still in earshot of the other farmhands and they love to tattle on me anytime I let out a howl.”

The shed door slid open with a thunderous rattle.

“Hon!” I giggled drunkenly. “You’re early!”



I guess there is the goverment inspection going on right now and Darleen was on her way to warn Sammy, that's why she's early. But Sammy has lost track of his overalls...

