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Farm Life 1

Farm Life 2

Farm Life 3 [NSFW] 

So you may notice that this story takes a turn toward a PARTICULAR kink that I'm not even sure I'm allowed to say on Patreon, even presented in a relatively safe, clearly desired form like this. If it's not your cup of tea, I apologize! There'll be plenty of stuff like the previous chapter, too. But use your judgment! Comments appreciated! 


WHUMP. I fell against the post that divided up one of the pens. And my heart thudded inside my chest as the big black goat tied my wrists together on the other side with a loose strand of rope.

“Oh, sorry I didn’t mention, farmhand,” Ivory said from atop the loft, leaning over her elbows with a grin on her face. “Nocturne’s a bit possessive of his girls.”

“You shut up now, Ivory!” Nocturne jabbed a finger at the loft, but Ivory just playfully stuck out her tongue. “People stay on their side of the line and we stay on ours.” He suddenly leaned over me. “That is, unless you do want to join us animals, farmhand.”

“N-no, sir,” I swallowed, shaking. But at the same time, even as roughly as he handled me, I could help but feel strangely thrilled as he stoked his fingers down along my sides. What the hell was wrong with me? I think my erection slid out of my sheath even harder than before, already twitching. Why was this turning me on so much?

“No?” Nocturne asked, noting my erection with his very rough, textured hands as he leaned in over me. “You seem eager to submit yourself to an animal like me. Citizens don’t do that.”

“I-I can’t help it!” I explained. “It’s just a reflex!”

“Maybe that’s a sign you belong down here with us,” Nocturne crooned. “You were born to be an animal, farmhand. It’s in your nature.”

“I-I swear, I’m not,” I stammered. “I won’t touch Ivory again, I promise!”

“Oh, I don’t care if you do.” Nocturne slid his erection across the small of my back and the base of my tail, and my nerves lit up like Christmas lights. I think I nearly pulled something as I flexed my toes in eager anticipation. “But if you’re gonna, you’re gonna respect the hierarchy here. Among animals, the biggest are in charge, and the smaller submit. That’s nature, son.”

And then Nocturne pulled back and jabbed his massive rod straight up my backside. I bit my lower lip and nearly melted; pulling myself up hard by the ropes as my muscles all seized. Fuck. I’d never actually been taken in the backdoor in my life, but in that moment I felt like I’d been built for it. I slumped against the column, barely able to keep my legs firm and straight as Nocturne thrust his column in and out of me, grinding against whatever nerves down there were responsible for the most alarmingly intense pleasure they could dream up.

In that moment, I didn’t really care if he was right. I yipped and barked in delight, barely even noticing how hot and burning I felt. It was grossly, horribly embarrassing, to be taken by force by another male—and an animal at that, to be fucked with a clear view to the outside, and with Ivory watching us, but it didn’t matter. I’d never felt such exhilaration.

“You like that, farmhand?”

“Y-yessir!” I howled. I’d teared up in the moment, wetness pouring from my eyes, just unable to resist even an ounce. I was happy. I was so happy.

“You gonna be my bitch, farmhand?” Nocturne growled.

I was going to answer him, but I orgasmed right then. My cock, pointed toward the floor, spurted a long line of my seed into erratic rows and columns all over the posts and packed dirt. I couldn’t pick myself back up, my legs were giving out, but Nocturne grabbed me by my midsection and hoisted me back.

“I didn’t hear you,” Nocturne grunted, still slamming himself in and out of me. “You going to be my bitch?”

“Y-y…” I quivered. I really shouldn’t have, I shouldn’t. The game was fun, and I didn’t want to quit, but I couldn’t let myself be trapped permanently. But that voice, in that moment, was very small, and far away, and the part of me that was drowning in an ocean of pleasure had very different ideas in mind.

“Say it!” Nocturne bellowed.

I think I was saved in that moment by quivering so hard that I couldn’t draw sufficient breath to speak. And then, a moment later, Nocturne’s erection was yanked out of me, his seed spilling all down the back of my legs.

I did notice, but didn’t see the cause why; I just heard a fight behind me, a loud tousling and grunting. But when I finally turned to look, I think I might have died of embarrassment.

Darleen had Nocturne tied up in a lasso, and had somehow within a minute, thrown several strands of rope around him, tying together his wrists and ankles. She deftly dropped him to the floor, where he struggled but couldn’t make any headway on his bonds.

“Land’s sake, Nocturne!” Darleen growled. “You can stay put there for the rest of the afternoon.”

“Untie me!” He growled. “Untie—” But Darleen had already taken another cord from her belt and wrapped it around Nocturne’s muzzle. He jostled about on the floor helplessly.

“And shut up, gosh,” Darleen sighed, wiping her brow. She turned to me. “Sammy, I am so sorry…you okay?”

I blinked. Oh yeah, I thought, I was in the same room this was all happening, wasn’t I? I supposed I needed to get my head back from outer space and onto planet Earth.

“I—uh…” I started, not really sure what else to do besides blush, given I was fully naked save a bandanna around my neck. I couldn’t really look at Darleen, even as she leaned over to cut the rope loose from my arms. I rubbed the soreness out of my wrists. “I’m… okay,” I said. “Just… startled, that’s all…”

“Okay? Sammy, where are your clothes?”

“Well I’d… I took off my shirt cause it was getting too hot,” I said. “Then I took off my overalls when I was trying to wash up, but Ivory…”

I looked up to the loft above the stable. Ivory had disappeared, probably out the skylight.

“She… stole them when I was distracted. They’re… up there.”

“You wanna wash up you get back to the farmhouse,” Darleen scolded me. She helped me stand, then with a spring in her step, jumped off of Nocturne’s shoulder and pulled herself straight up to the loft in a move I’d thought was reserved for gymnasts. A second after, my overalls came sailing down and smacked me in the face. With the speed only shame could provide, I had them back over my legs before Darleen had hopped back down to the ground.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t warn you about this kind of thing before,” Darleen told me. “I was being roundabout when I explained. Male farm animals get a bit entitled. Sometimes they see newcomers as a threat, and well… I don’t… I don’t suppose you’ll be staying.”

“Darleen, it’s okay,” I said. “You got here in time.”

“For?” Darleen tilted her head. “Hon, you do know he was dick deep up your tailhole, right?”

“Well…” I shrugged weakly. “These things happen. I’m not gonna hold it against you or the farm, Darleen. I meant it when I said I wanted to be challenged.”

Darleen folded her arms and gave me the most curious stare. I really hoped she couldn’t read my thoughts, because my actual thoughts were all over the dang place. Now that I was standing, upright and dressed with Nocturne humiliated and tied up on the floor of the pen, I was feeling much more civilized again. But that delightful throb in my core was still reminding me you really did want to join them, you didn’t even care you were being used, you dirty, dirty dog.

I had a lot of personal feelings to sort out. But I just gave Darleen a warm smile, and hugged her. “Thanks for rescuing me,” I said.

“Wasn’t nothing, darling,” she said, squeezing me back with a bit of hesitation. “But really, I gotta be keeping a closer eye on you. Come on, you must be starving.”

“I could eat a… goat,” I said as Darleen ushered me back toward her ATV. I glanced back at Nocturne, who’d given up writhing and had elected to take a nap where he was.



Well I guess that’s an interesting way to discover a few of your kinks Doesn’t seem like he had much, if any, idea he had them

Shiny Umbreon

Comments? This got me to sign up for your e-book tier. Lol