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It's that time again!

1. I usually only select about 6-10 to draw.
2. Please post references for anything that's not easily searchable on google images. I'll sometimes consider text description for a single character so long as it's not overly complicated.
3. I'll usually do flat colors unless I am given an idea that I wish to develop into a full picture (fan art or my characters only, usually), so color references if you please
4. Although I will try to step out of my comfort zone for several, you usually have a better chance if you request something I like to draw (Check out the stuff I do for fun if you need an idea https://www.weasyl.com/submissions/rickgriffin?folderid=15100 )
5. Two character limit, though also keep in mind that two characters are harder to draw than one character, so I will often select one-character drawings. Any drawing that necessitates three characters or more will NOT be selected.

The theme of the month is POKEMON and/or POKEMORPHS



Hi! I have an idea for a random OC: an effeminate male Lopunny with wide hips. I'd like to see him nude, strutting away from the viewer, looking at the viewer seductively over his shoulder.


Do a Biscuit rat!


I'd love to see your take on TF! How about a totodile TF? <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/20132280/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/20132280/</a>


If you wouldn't mind drawing Enigma as a pokemone trainer with a Haunter beside him. (My favorite Pokemon) <a href="https://m.imgur.com/account/3nigmatic/images/V9ro3GA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.imgur.com/account/3nigmatic/images/V9ro3GA</a>


I would love to see a charmeleon and charizard on a walk/jog together, but the twist is the Meleon has a higher level (or cp if you use Pokemon go terms) while the Zard has a smaller level, maybe also checking their phones for other Pokemon


What I've always wanted to see the most from you is a scene of Satau cradle carrying his unconscious girlfriend after a tough battle against evil forces or something similar. Thanks again for giving me this chance :) But if you'd prefer something Pokemon themed a pic of Marrow of the desert angels being a Pokemon trainer Would also be great :)


Could you draw Lucario as Artorias from Dark Souls? (Maybe fighting Picachu as Ornstein?)


What about a rabbit pokemon trainer (who may or may not be Rourkie &gt;.&gt;) embarrassedly staring down an anthro bunnelby with a pokeball between them that's failed to open, and the trainer says something like "Well, this is awkward.... "?


How about a pooltoy Vaporeon, lying on its back on water and giving itself a nice, relaxing stretch


Short version: Sandslash pokemorphs! Longer version: Going into the wayback machine I see you did a pic for a guy named Fault/darkstripes who had a Sandslash 'morph character, and you mentioned that you had a SS 'morph of your own, I was wondering if you'd like to draw either his and/or yours and/or a NEW character? For details: dark blue eyes, reddish brown spines (like the dinobird you did lol); for clothes, since the pants/no-shirt look is taken, maybe a japanese fundoshi, loincloth, shorts or no pants at all (not sure how SS wear a top, maybe a tank top) Poses could be fighting stances, about to battle some unseen opponents <a href="http://rickgriffin.deviantart.com/art/Fault-74989018" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://rickgriffin.deviantart.com/art/Fault-74989018</a> <a href="http://andwhyisit.deviantart.com/art/Fault-coloured-127649940" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://andwhyisit.deviantart.com/art/Fault-coloured-127649940</a>


Body Shape/Size Ref (Other Brother Daryl as seen in this strip): <a href="http://www.housepetscomic.com/comic/2014/09/26/meanwhile-in-america/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.housepetscomic.com/comic/2014/09/26/meanwhile-in-america/</a> Pokepuffs Ref: <a href="http://66.media.tumblr.com/7b1241896d15729ee51d948aca941620/tumblr_n6cm7chaY71qlollro5_1280.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://66.media.tumblr.com/7b1241896d15729ee51d948aca941620/tumblr_n6cm7chaY71qlollro5_1280.png</a> Sandslash: <a href="http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/0/0b/028Sandslash.png/250px-028Sandslash.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/0/0b/028Sandslash.png/250px-028Sandslash.png</a> Idea: Sandslash Pokemorph, sitting on a bench and with a gym bag at his feet. Bashfully as can be he gives in to a post-workout moment of weakness and chows down on a Pokepuff! Just about packing back on all the calories he burnt off much to his embarrassment.


ok I am a total dork, but one more option, a bigger more experienced Sandslash &amp; a younger more boyish Sandshrew, like a trainer/trainee thing, hey you could combine it with RaddaReep's idea

Alexander Opst

Well I sort of HAVE to submit an Arcanine, then. How about Karin, my super-gentle benevolent Arcanine goddess? You know those really big, really friendly dogs that are absolutely and entirely convinced that everyone in the entire world is their most bestest friend ever forever? Now imagine one of those dogs became a goddess. That's Karin. Part of her design is that she likes to (and can) modify her appearance to suit an artist's style and make it easier/more fun for them, but some of her previous art can be found at <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rr5al9j461p33pe/AAC4fcxM6HGtaPsRtA3KQDdNa?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rr5al9j461p33pe/AAC4fcxM6HGtaPsRtA3KQDdNa?dl=0</a> . Perhaps Karin relaxing happily at a waterfall, using the water to clean her copious fluff and fur?


I'd love to see what kind of pokésona Karishad might have. Or perhaps we could see Furret-Rick surrounded by his ideal Pokemon team? Or just Furret Rick being super cute.


Would love to get a sketch of me and my sister catching pokemon on her cellphone. :3 She requests a Liepard Pokemorph. She even drew a basic guideline! <a href="http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a216/GameCobra/IMG_3482_zpsl4imslby.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a216/GameCobra/IMG_3482_zpsl4imslby.jpg</a> I'm gonna go ahead and request myself as a Luxray. Always loved Luxray. I'm charging my sister's cellphone with my powers. Could also use my mouth and bare hands :3

Darsen McPanda

If we're talking Pokemorphs, why not someone who got turned into a Pokemorph? Specifically, the gym leader Korrina from XY who, by way of happenstance and shenanigans, found herself turned into a Mega Lucario. How about her enjoying a nice stretch after a good spar? <a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18514932/Characters/Lukorrina.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18514932/Characters/Lukorrina.png</a>


So, I have two ideas (among many) I can't decide on, as usual. One of my favorite 'mons happens to be Typhlosion, so how about you draw your old 'sona, Chindy, which I think you haven't done in forever? Or maybe a different Typhlosion, like for example a girl version, buff or otherwise. A possibly more challenging idea might be, I'd be interested to see your take on an anthro Groudon Or maybe both in some scene, since there's a two character limit, but probably that would be a bit too much, just throwing it out there

Stoker Bramwell

Well, I will admit, I have missed seeing you draw Furrets on occasion. But just to mix things up, how about a cute female Furret Pokemorph? It could be a simple pinup, or if you wanted something sillier and a bit more elaborate for it... POV through the camera of a phone, Pokemon Go interface. Someone excited about spotting a Furret...but having caught her in a compromised state of dress which she is less excited about. Shower, locker room, whatever! You know my tastes. "Less is more" when it comes to clothing. X)


Had a thought with the two characters from the PMDE Prolouge story I am currently making with Jack the Buizel, and Tidus the Charizard. For their designs, Jack would have a dark blue Bandana tied on his right arm. He could be fit to your style with what you would like to do, but he's just a normal Buziel but if you would like to prefer a style you wish, it could be either way. Tidus is just like a normal Charizard, but if you wanted to make him muscular, or fit to your liking, that works either way. He is wearing a blueish grey messenger bag usually. The design of the messenger bag could be up to your liking. If you picked both characters, the scene would be Tidus giving Jack a piggy-back ride walking along a trail or just walking along for a stroll, with Jack sitting on Tidus's wings, while Tidus is holding onto Jack's legs or ankles and Jack could see his surroundings looking either left or right from Tidus's neck. Jack would be pointing at something with either his left or right paw pointing ahead looking happy like he is saying, "Let's go over there!" type of style while Tidus is looking at Jack with a happy smile, or he could be doing a toothy smile, whichever you would like. If Jack by himself, Jack could be pondering about something in a thinking stance trying to think of something, but couldn't come up with anything. Any style you would wish to choose would be up to you. If Tidus by himself, Tidus would be in a fighting stance with a confident smile ready to take on anything with his messenger bag along with him. Any style you would like to come up with whether he's injured or muscular can be whatever you wish.


dan getting pokeballs thrown at him, and as usual, hes mad thaf hes getting mistook for a pokemon. <a href="https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/56605fe1dece4226e8343577/3000x2000/61e49d53a4ee4b2bc307ae2fb45ca924/Dan-2016-ref2.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/56605fe1dece4226e8343577/3000x2000/61e49d53a4ee4b2bc307ae2fb45ca924/Dan-2016-ref2.png</a>