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The theme this month is VIDEO GAMES.

0. You must post in the thread below to be eligible. Your post must follow the rules, have valid links, and your post must contain, at minimum, a complete thought. You must be okay with the finished picture being streamed and posted publicly. I reserve the right to not take a particular request for any reason. I do not check posts for validity until the first day I start the stream, so please get your request in before then and BE SURE you are actually following the rules.

1. I usually only select about 6-10 to draw.

2. At least three (and usually most) of these spots will be reserved for people who have not had a request answered in at least 6-8 months (was 4 months but the wait list is quite long now), with priority going to people with the most time without a request answered. I will have a spreadsheet to help track this, but if you remember the last time you've had a request answered and you have been a continuous patron, feel free to inform me on your request.

3. Please post references for anything that's not easily searchable on google images. I'll sometimes consider text description for a single character so long as it's not overly complicated.

4. The drawings will be done to whatever degree of finishedness I find convenient at sketch time--sometimes they will be rough sketches, and occasionally fully inked with limited color. This depends entirely on my mood and ability on sketch day.

5. Although I will try to step out of my comfort zone for several, you usually have a better chance if you request something I like to draw (Check out the stuff I do for fun if you need an idea https://www.weasyl.com/submissions/rickgriffin?folderid=15100 ) This does not necessarily exclude fanart but it's certainly not something I do often. I will not draw anything that involves real people or giving fursonas to people you don't personally know.

6. If I am not certain of your preferences and you do not specify otherwise, I will assume you are okay with either SFW and NSFW (up to anatomically correct nudity). If you specifically want one, the other, or something more NSFW than my usual, you will need to specify. I am okay with *occasionally* depicting sexual situations for monthly sketches but I should still have some SFW works so it's not gonna be ALL NSFW.

7.  Two character limit, though also keep in mind that two characters are harder to draw than one character, so I will often select one-character drawings. Any drawing that necessitates three characters or more will NOT be selected. Please check if your requests strongly implies three or more characters, if I can't interpret it to be only two characters max I won't select it.



What about Rourkiebunny dressed as Bunny Link (for Halloween) in a slightly too small tunic? (Shenanigans abound) https://imgur.com/a/iKx0PJy Thanks for the consideration!

Arinmal Vultee

King playing diablo 2 on his laptop and loosing his hardcore character


My request idea was that my OC fern and Jess could be playing a game on Jess’s switch that is connected to the TV! The two characters would have a joy con and or a controller in their hand as they play, Jess could have some sort of confident expression on her face as for my OC having a little confused look as he’s trying to learn how to play the game or the other way around! Link to ferns ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43396099/


Me and my girlfriend Silver cosplaying as Link and Sheik (from Ocarina of Time) respectively. We're in heroic poses. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/27959972/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22027658/ https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/characterprofile/images/a/a1/LinkZelda.png/revision/latest?cb=20160105030137 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/images/e/e5/OoT_Sheik_Artwork.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/320?cb=20170511045038


Apologies for the consistently lewd requests, but would love to see a slightly distracted Peanut playing Switch while Tarot goes down on him…or alternatively Peanut playing switch while tied to a rather annoyed Tarot


Video games means I have to suggest Spyro, either solo if that's easier for you, doing some... adventuring of some sort idk, scampering around or breathing fire or something (EDIT: could also be his grown-up version, I guess!) Or, if you want to do two characters, you can accompany him with your your choice of one among: your favorite absolutely jacked dragon daddy, Elora, or Bianca


how about like my character Stanley and my friends character Inco to be like in that scene from deltarune chapter two that like transition from real world to dark world where they jump down and get transformed from their like real world clothes too their dark world outfits like maybe mid-clothing change? or just have it be the dark world outfits, Stan would be Susie and Inco would be Kris, SFW and if it wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary having it styled in the Housepets style would be neat https://imgur.com/a/XUwZxVD This one is stanley https://imgur.com/a/ZvWTxdG this one is inco


Awesome. Thanks for another opportunity for a sketch. Could you draw my dragon Shiro as the cyber ninja from metal gear solid? Essentially the armor would cover everything, but I would like for his mane, tail plumage, and antlers to show trough the armor, and the helmets face plates open so you can see his face. As for the pose, I’d like a bit of humor to the sketch. So I’m thinking Shiro is waiting on Snake to show up so he’s playing on his switch, and maybe taking a drink from a soda while just sitting on a desk instead of a chair, and his sword propped up next to him. Maybe a speech bubble about how the “infiltrator” needs to hurry up and get his dummy thicc butt to the boss fight already. Links to my ref, and the cyber ninja wiki page below. And thank you again for the opportunity, your art style is awesome. Shiro ref https://www.furaffinity.net/view/28439597/ Cyber Ninja from the metal gear wiki https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/metalgear/images/1/17/MGRCyborgNinja.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130227191055


Obviously nude gaming with some heavy petting is the ideal situation. Here's a bear. https://m.imgur.com/a/aJR1YzI


Sounds good. Hopefully I can select Nadia this round. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13005083/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13004245/ Hopefully it would be possible to see her in the Thavnairian outfit from FF14 https://images.app.goo.gl/Jd6zwNz32XAAkMbV6 an example to help out with it. Thank you for the opportunity. Pose and maturity rating are free range. :3


I'm a super big fan of lazy nude gaming poses like what you did with https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23397907/ , so how about my sona Jake with a similar vibe? Alternately, him playing Guitar Hero nude. Whether the plastic guitar is conveniently covering up his bits or not, up to you Refs (NSFW): https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13103510/, https://imgur.com/a/AQiMzXo


My cow gal (nsfw ref https://i.imgur.com/MxeDU9M.jpg ) as a character in a golfing game. But very sexy and risque. Last sketch was end of April.


Ooh, a fun theme idea! How about my mouse at micro size, managing a controller with a look of focus or excitement on their face? Or perhaps in a game. Looking eye to eye with a Pikmin, maybe, or possibly looking sheepish after tossing a Pokeball at a now miffed-looking Poke-anthro like Claire or Furret Rick! NSFW or SFW, your choice. Alternatively, perhaps West/Kar or Clay/Reed with one half of the couple distracting the other while he's trying to focus on his game. As lewd as you like, or could just be a kiss on the cheek making him blush! Ref: https://tinyurl.com/pdr2020SammyMX Last Done: December 2020 Thank you as always for the opportunity!


How about Susie and Ralsie (Deltarune) doing their Peanuts dance from the Sweet Cap'n Cakes fight. SFW preference.


One of King and Bailey's kids playing MegaOtt on the SNES https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36040506/


I would love to see Nesti and/or Tesko trying to sneak playing whatever would be the Geroo equiv of World of Warcraft during a shift on the bridge.


I think a reference to the rhythm heaven minigame "Air Rally" would be a fun theme! I'm thinking my dog character Mau and my friend's lion character Kai could be wearing googles and scarves (like pilots) playing a friendly match of badmington atop of some planes, just like in the game!!.... except none of them can actually fly a plane, so they choose the closest available thing: kiddie plane rides (the ones that work with a quarter). I'm also thinking the housepets style might fit the drawing's cute theme! I'd prefer if the drawing was sfw! refs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/125Zhsuwu_RJ7zSoioc9MjGTvBNP2mrZq?usp=sharing Rhythm heaven minigame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMPf9jvLSdM&t=0s


Strip Mario Kart Racing between anthro versions of Spyro and Cynder the dragons, the loser having to strip down.

Kiku Otter

The ideas that come to mind are either Reed and Clay going at it against an arcade cabinet while one of them tries to keep playing despite the other's distractions (seriously love your stories and art of these two) or a SFW pic of Karishad using his fingers instead of a light gun to beat Time Crisis to the dismay of someone like Zach or Peanut ("You can't just win by pointing and making laser sounds!")


Dahan's got a Power Glove! It's so bad! Dahan: https://inkbunny.net/s/1631111


I would like to request a "Housepets Imaginate Pokemon" sketch. Peanut is wearing a paper bag on his head that says "Red" and holding a toy Pokeball. One of the wolves (either Rockstar Hawk, Deevee, or North Star) stands in front of him in a battle-ready pose. He wears a paper bag that says "Arcanine" on it and his body has the black stripes painted on.


Could you do the player character dog from Chicory in Housepets style? https://chicory-a-colorful-tale.fandom.com/wiki/Pizza https://i.imgur.com/28l78nV.png


Good Afternoon, I actually have a wonderful idea. It’s been a long day at work and what do we do to help unwind after a long day? Video Games. I see TerrKar vegging out in front of either his computer or console just having a few quick games before bed. Can be either SFW or NSFW. Here is TerrKar https://www.dropbox.com/s/zxkojorzvn06ofd/terrkarr_ref_final.jpg?dl=0 Thank you for this amazing opportunity. Cheers Raptorzs


Ralsei from Deltarune, holding up a slugcat from Rain World, both of 'em looking at each other! SFW and wholesome.


I would love to see Lex as a character from a video game. In particular, I think it would be cool to see him as Zagreus from Hades. Optionally having him flirting with Asterius. Zagreus: https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Zagreus.jpg https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hades_gamepedia_en/images/2/29/Zagreus.png/revision/latest?cb=20181210044005 Asterius: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hades_gamepedia_en/images/5/50/Asterius.png/revision/latest?cb=20190508051514 If you are feeling up to doing something sci-fi and a little more complicated I would also really like seeing Lex in a Transtar suit from Prey. Perhaps with a GLOO cannon and a mimic or phantom. Transtar Uniform(Executive, Morgan Yu): https://wallpapers.com/images/high/prey-morgan-yu-red-suit-9u6uoaigk3tqyixz.jpg https://img1.goodfon.com/wallpaper/nbig/1/7e/morgan-yu-prey-2017-game-bethesda-1.jpg GLOO Cannon: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/prey/images/f/f8/C52ev0KXQAQERpA.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170401120254 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DJDJkmKXgAAf4bK?format=jpg&name=900x900 Mimic: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/prey/images/5/5a/01_26_-_Prey_MimicSwarm_Dec16.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20170206204608 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/prey/images/8/87/Xpru13.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170126175344 Phantom: https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Prey-Phantom.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=2000&dpr=1.5 Here’s the reference for Lex which would be used for either one of the ideas: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32868172/


I would love to see Tarot dressed as Razputin from the Psychonauts (series), possibly using her psychic powers. For instance, she could be using clairvoyance to balance on a ball of psychic energy.


Can you have Evan wear the among us costume with his face visible through the clear face screen with an wide eye expression Ref: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/497490116965695500/813851709784326164/Ref_sheey.PNG Costume: https://images.nintendolife.com/fe948c32f571f/among-us-costumes.original.jpg (Also have the red costume)


Adrian and Hilde in "Streets of Rage" outfits and "about to kick your ass" poses! (Preferably referencing SoR 2 or 4.) And there's even a kid on skates or a boxing kangaroo if Ali wants to join in!


that reminds me of the bit in Avengers, with that one guy playing Galaga.


Inzari and Sinon in those VR/AR rigs from the ringel bar scene of TTaL having a go at eachother? It's an idea, at least!


Took me a bit to think of a suggestion but I have now thought of at least two. First is my girls Syd and Stephanie with Stephanie on her knees between a PS5 and X Box Series X displays teary eyed saying "But I want both" while Syd comforts her saying "I know, but for now you have to pick only one. You can always get the other later." Or the same two but cosplaying as Cammy and Chun-li. Stephanie as Cammy and Syd as Chun-li in a pose like this https://i.redd.it/drfhzcvrzxp51.jpg Syd is loving the attention "That's right boys, come and see two sexy streetfighters!" but Stephanie is a bit embarrassed "But they can all see my butt!" Stephanie: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41196648/ Syd: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37323394/


Okay Well here is my idea My Two characters Nava and Luna playing one of those Shooting Arcade games. Luna is having Fun while Nava is too into the game seeing she is out of ammo shoots the arcade game machine. Think "full Metal Panic fumoffu" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkvI0wXfqw8 Luna https://d.furaffinity.net/art/hunterx90/1631763955/1631763955.hunterx90_luna_ref_sfw_glow2160__1_.jpg Nava https://d.furaffinity.net/art/hunterx90/1603082210/1603082210.hunterx90_red_panda_sfw__1_.jpg https://d.furaffinity.net/art/hunterx90/1595108261/1595108261.hunterx90_bluephantom90-stream-comm-july.jpg


Hey Rick! I’m a devoted fan of Pokémon, so I thought that in honor of the Sinnoh remakes and the prequel, I wish to have Kimba dressed as the protagonist of Legends Arceus with a Shinx. Here’s the ref sheet for Kimba: https://refsheet.net/KimbaTaitei/kimba-taitei

Dreamous Iceling

Since you were just playing Spyro, how about Dreamous as Spyro and Sal as Hunter: Dreamous (NSFW ref) - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/14719332/ Sal (NSFW ref) - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/24568978/


Another request for my friend: how about my otter boy and Fox playing a game(nondescript) with controllers in paw on a couch with my ott laying on his back across Fox's lap, and of course my ott has his cock on full display, which is clearly flustering the dog and perhaps putting cause his own member to peak out? References: http://imgur.com/a/sYI0w4S http://imgur.com/a/O5tHvqQ http://imgur.com/a/1WzoPKn


Another request for my friend: how about my otter boy and Fox playing a game(nondescript) with controllers in paw on a couch with my ott laying on his back across Fox's lap, and of course my ott has his cock on full display, which is clearly flustering the dog and perhaps putting cause his own member to peak out? References: http://imgur.com/a/sYI0w4S http://imgur.com/a/O5tHvqQ http://imgur.com/a/1WzoPKn


Well, how about depicting just what happens after sitting down to play a couple rounds of Civilization. Basically disheveled and somehow showing that he's been sitting there playing for hours and hours without a break, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-yoF3i_uSeL8RvijRMUb99ddgJQoC2yV/view?usp=sharing


hmm i would like my sona Tori dressed up as Alisa from the Tekken series if you want to :3 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/11750802/ https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/836/966/4be.jpg


King and Bailey trying out VR. King getting surprised/scared and Bailey having a blast.


What if Samus Aran took off her helmet after you completed a Metroid game in the future, but PLOT TWIST: She's a girl! *silence* Oh, and she's actually a Rito. *gasp!* Samus Power Suit: https://pm-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Samus_Aran?file=Samus_Aran.png Looking for a yellow bird Rito design, But Frita is a good model :3 https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/images/9/93/Frita.jpg

Noah Fields

Maybe my sci-fi characcter playing a sexy VR game? https://imgur.com/a/17X5lrR (NSFW refs, dick or vagina is fine. Or could be a cool portal toy thing. Also could be neat if you include my ferret character, dick or vagina for her too https://toyhou.se/9741045.v-vicky- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/741852249235652621/830641475582689300/unknown.png Thanks for the opportunity, my last reward was last October, so a year


Another late request that won't make it, but might as well try. I'd like to request my male character and female character who belongs to a friend playing Mario Kart 8 Wii U with the female (Sandy) is doing a reverse cow girl on my character (Gamer) while playing with the gamepad.


Reference link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31518828/