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I spoke about this at length on my NSFW twitter and I'm sure most people here know about it. You can find the main thread here: https://twitter.com/RicksWriting/status/1426618436008960000?s=20 

And the NSFW addendum here (enjoy the art): https://twitter.com/RGriffinStudios/status/1426688725904396290?s=20 

Just to be clear: the main Housepets comic, its site, and the collections will remain SFW; the only thing that'll really change with the comic is that I'm going to stop caring about "is this too PG-13". I'm not a major corporation that can pay people to sufficiently censor my own work anyway, and it's been a p hefty psychic burden. Instead, I'll be using my own judgement what SFW means, like with A&H Club and Hayven Celestia.

Side content for Housepets (non-site stuff), however, can be NSFW now. I'd considered making this move back when I decided to expand into adult artwork, and it might have been better to just rip the bandage off and do it back then. NSFW work will be kept separate from SFW work. Note that this patreon is marked as 18+, and so will contain and link to NSFW work.

If your reaction is to complain about this change, honestly I don't want to hear it. My NSFW content has existed for several years now, and I'm still keeping SFW and NSFW work separate. You shouldn't find ANY of my NSFW content unless you're deliberately looking for it, anyway. If just the mere fact it exists offends you, um... it already existed, and you're just now hearing about it, so... see ya.



I fully expect the next round of sketch requests to get very spicy


Ooh. Excellent.


I kinda like the NSFW more tbh but seeing this is really interesting and awesome and I’m sticking around no matter what lol


You've been posting NSFW stuff here for ages, no complaints from me. In fact, where can I find this NSFW housepets content? I definitely have a less than platonic interest in a few of the characters *blush*. I don't have a twitter account, is there any chance you'll post it to this patreon or include it in monthly rollups?

Shuken Flash

I'll be honest, I never realized Breel was a guy, XD

Shuken Flash

As for not trying to censor yourself, I'm always in favor of artists doing their work however they're most comfortable with and enjoy doing it the most, be that SFW or NSFW. When you enjoy the story you're telling and the way you tell it things just seem to flow more smoothly, at least in my experience


I look forward to reading the story you wish to tell, no matter how clean or risque. (Edit: Spelling error.)


I'm all for it! There have been some pretty heavy implications that this sort of thing's been going on offscreen in Housepets for a while now, so it's cool to see you actually drawing and posting it (and making it, unsurprisingly, even more adorable than I've already been picturing).

Dhaka Yeena

Honestly I’m excited to see what’s the future holds


I'm absolutely all for whatever you decide makes you happy. That's what matters to me and what should matter to most. I enjoy both sides of your art, and a happy you means more for us to see in the long run.




We're all here for you, Rick, and personally I can't wait to see what ideas you've been holding off on due to fear of breaking the ratings scale. Very exciting times ahead!


Just yesterday, Twitter added a popup to block people without a Twitter account from reading tweets :( The pics have been posted to e621 though: https://e621.net/posts?tags=rick_griffin


Can’t be mad hehe. Glad you are expanding and doing what makes you the best you, you can be.


Great to hear. Love your work. If it’s NSFW then I won’t look at it on my work computer. That’s why I carry my own.

Dreamous Iceling

Great to see you doing your thing, and having less stress for it. Hope it goes great for you!


You’re the artist; you do you!


do what makes you happy, I am for it :)


This is why I recently started to support you. Love it.


Adult animals acting like adult animals. I have no issues with this.


Glad you made this decision. Love both your sfw and nsfw art and the prudes need to grow up.


I appreciate that the comic itself will stay SFW, that feels like a good choice. Frankly, the other stuff has existed for some time by other artists and it's not hard to find on furry sites.

Kiku Otter

I honestly just trust you to do a great job with your art. As fans we're not the ones with the biggest say in what you do, and you're the one with the passion and vision for the art! Personally I love housepets, and I'll continue to love it SFW, NSFW, or whatever mix occurs.


Sounds good enough for me. A bit more flexibility could be beneficial for the story. You've done well with A&H club (the main other comic of yours I read) so I trust this will lead places while remaining quite tasteful and fun. And good art is good art... Especially if its got Peanut and Grape... Just saying :)


I thought it would be liberating for you to not have to worry about it, and so was happy to see do it, but then it sounded like it caused you a lot worry and stress. I love the PG Housepets and I also love the NSFW art. Keeping the comic PG, but having a distinct separate site for other art seems to me like such a great compromise that I am shocked to hear that you are getting grief.


Honestly it's not a lot, I've only seen like ~4 people be annoying about this, but I'm a bit defensive because adjustment periods are just stressful for me

David Ewell

Because I enjoy your art and stories, I'm behind whatever decision you make.

Shiny Umbreon

This change has needed to happen for so long. I'm glad it's finally happening and I hope it gives you everything you deserve for doing it.

Wing Dancer

will it be posted to Patreon too? I dont use twitter :(


Compared to how i saw the comic all those years ago from the first year it started and what you're doing now when i first started learning about you and your comic? Never would've expected this kind of direction over the years. However, I love this comic and I wanna keep enjoying it. I like that we'll be taking the theoretical collars off in the comic in this direction since it opens up for some more room for you to explore your work with the comic and i honestly would like to see how far you'd take the comic from a story-writing perspective.


I love them all. Does this mean we can request NSFW sketches of HP for patron streams?


Will any housepets pieces be sent in the high res tier?


I love how you draw NSFW. It is so wholesome despite the eroticness. And screw the prudes ^^