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The theme this month is BEACH PARTY

0. You must post in the thread below to be eligible. Your post must follow the rules, have valid links, and your post must contain, at minimum, a complete thought. You must be okay with the finished picture being streamed and posted publicly. I reserve the right to not take a particular request for any reason. I do not check posts for validity until the first day I start the stream, so please get your request in before then and BE SURE you are actually following the rules.

1. I usually only select about 6-10 to draw.

2. At least three (and usually most) of these spots will be reserved for people who have not had a request answered in at least 6-8 months (was 4 months but the wait list is quite long now), with priority going to people with the most time without a request answered. I will have a spreadsheet to help track this, but if you remember the last time you've had a request answered and you have been a continuous patron, feel free to inform me on your request.

3.  Please post references for anything that's not easily searchable on google images. I'll sometimes consider text description for a single character so long as it's not overly complicated.

4.  The drawings will be done to whatever degree of finishedness I find convenient at sketch time--sometimes they will be rough sketches, and occasionally fully inked with limited color. This depends entirely on my mood and ability on sketch day.

5.   Although I will try to step out of my comfort zone for several, you usually have a better chance if you request something I like to draw (Check out the stuff I do for fun if you need an idea https://www.weasyl.com/submissions/rickgriffin?folderid=15100 ) This does not necessarily exclude fanart but it's certainly not something I do often. I will not draw anything that involves real people or giving fursonas to people you don't personally know.

6. If I am not certain of your preferences and you do not specify otherwise, I will assume you are okay with either SFW and NSFW (up to anatomically correct nudity). If you specifically want one, the other, or something more NSFW than my usual, you will need to specify. I am okay with *occasionally* depicting sexual situations for monthly sketches but I should still have some SFW works so it's not gonna be ALL NSFW. Anything Housepets style or concerning Housepets characters must remain SFW.

7.  Two character limit, though also keep in mind that two characters are harder to draw than one character, so I will often select one-character drawings. Any drawing that necessitates three characters or more will NOT be selected. Please check if your requests strongly implies three or more characters, if I can't interpret it to be only two characters max I won't select it.



How about my new female!Sona/self and her pig friend enjoying some sun and cuddling? (Either sfw or NSFW is fine) https://imgur.com/a/kjeW10T https://imgur.com/a/dQoCYKX


https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36040506/ Losing a fight for my sandwich with a seagull


https://www.dropbox.com/s/7g6enthappgwu63/Photo%20Jun%2005%2C%205%2025%2012%20PM.jpg?dl=0 Grumpy Krakun on the beach, glaring outward


My sheep and fox partying on a nude beach, sheep is waiving her swimsuit top and bottom above her head, fox is standing sort of dumbfounded with a bit of erection peeking out. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41376881/ (note that sheep has a bit of dark crotch wool that matches her hair and tail)


mm Flash: My sona Jed (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/26649242/) Grilling some meat skewers while one of your girls surprise kiss his cheek and steal with hand or tail one skewer from the grill :P maybe both naked (if their privates are visible or less is up to you)


Perhaps something with my bunny guy: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/483552030045241347/858054785726414848/Bun.png About to spike a volleyball? Sounds like a fun time to me. I'd say either NSFW or SFW is fine and up to you if you pick this one! Either way thank you for the shot!

Alarm Frog

I'd like to catch Paris in the changing tent and ask him for his autograph! He can write it anywhere he wants on my body! Make it NSFW, please. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ie828jv4bnm5a1f/RavanaNsfw.png?dl=0


My German Shepherd fursona Moll Sheppy in his muscular werewolf form at a nude beach. He is seen from the front, naked wearing only sunglasses strutting along on the sand, winking and giving finger guns to everybody. Ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/27414691/ Body type refs: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31041802/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34864872/


Unicorn gal tanning on the beach in a Bikini (NSFW ref: https://i.imgur.com/NmzgDJM.png )


How about Spirit Dragon, in her anthro form, hanging out with Reni the dragon (from TwoKinds) in bathing suits?


Zephyra, exasperated or otherwise miffed, a beachball/volley ball speared and deflated on one horn. Maybe she was trying to play? Maybe she was trying to enjoy a martini under the shade! Just a funny idea to me xD No preference on NSFW/SFW! https://toyhou.se/11562058.zephyra-taranis#36173508 (let me know if that doesn't load, can sometimes be finnicky)


Refs (NSFW): https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13103510/, https://imgur.com/a/AQiMzXo How bout my cat, trying to do some sort of wakeboarding/surfing, but wiping out? SFW or NSFW (nude or losing his trunks)

Kiku Otter

Can I request either of my otters triumphantly standing and holding up a huge fish? SFW or NSFW is fine Ref is NSFW https://www.dropbox.com/s/nohcg6ng7i22uxp/1588071865796_Kiku%20and%20Nyx.png?dl=0


I’d love a nsfw pic of my dragon Shiro, and my boyfriends Dragon Rex at a torchlit limbo party on the beach. The idea I have in my head is Rex is trying to get under the bar, but Shiro distracts him with a coy little flash of what’s between his legs while sitting of to the side and enjoying a fruity mixed drink. Maybe the distraction causes Rex to get hard and that’s what cause him to knock the limbo bar off? Rex would be really blushy and embarrassed while Shiro would have a mischievous, playful smirk or grin on his face. Honestly I am fine with you taking some artistic liberty to make a saucy, but fun scene with a little humor. Shiro is intersex so he has female genitalia, while Rex is just normal Male. And as always thank you for the chance at a sketch. I can’t wait to see what you post. Link to my dragon https://www.furaffinity.net/view/28439597/ Link to Rex https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42065906/


My raccoon character attempting beach volleyball, and getting a ball to the head. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zp85gs164slc6az/brian-c-5-2020.jpg?dl=0


My bat character Bianca https://www.furaffinity.net/view/39842006/ (nsfw) lounging naked in a deck chair with a drink in her hand. Being a bat, this takes place at the middle of the night. Nsfw preferred.


My character in the river floating on karyena flotie ,sipping a colada while airing his balls out Ref: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/497490116965695500/813851709784326164/Ref_sheey.PNG


My last answered request was September 2020. I like to have a pic of an anthro dog couple consisting of a saluki and a schnauzer dancing at the beach in their bathing suit. The saluki is a dude that look like a lady and the schnauzer is a lady that look like a dude. Sound interesting? You can draw them in your regular style like this: https://www.deviantart.com/natleo/art/A-Nice-Chat-473325915 Or you can draw them housepets style like this: https://www.housepetscomic.com/comic/2018/06/15/every-king-has-his-day/


Hmm, how about my mouse standing triumphant and tiny on a sand castle? Maybe with a looming hand or wave in the background about to spoil their fun. NSFW preferred, but could be SFW too! Barring that, it's been a while since Guana's lost his swim trunks, I think he's due for another clothing mishap, or being teased some more by Kar! Maybe he gets cornered in one of those beachside changing stands or showers again! Ref: https://tinyurl.com/pdr2020SammyGX Last Done: December 2020


Dahan's first time at a nude beach and he's embarrassed that he's peeking from his sheath. He's carrying some stuff (e.g., cooler, bag, etc), so he can't really cover up. NSFW ref: https://www.weasyl.com/~unimpressive/submissions/1643635/dahan-character-sheet


Pridelands anime beach episode! One or two characters from Pridelands in skimpy swimwear (loincloths?) having fun at the beach in a fan service-y way. Maybe a small doodle of grape and peanut (just their heads, or maybe their tags) agreeing that the episode is so out of place and over indulgent. Then one asks if the other wants to watch it again, to the reply "yes, of course"


I'd love to see my sheep girl Carol with my pine marten Brocade as they're sitting, chatting, and drinking White Claws at an evening beach bonfire. Carol's bottomless, while Brocade's nude. NSFW. Carol Refs: https://d.furaffinity.net/art/cadmiumtea/1615834165/1615834165.cadmiumtea_shyewesm.jpg , https://www.dropbox.com/s/ckloax0tyoxshyh/carol%20only.png?dl=0 Brocade refs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qt34d3yzm9iogr3/Brocade%20couch%20only.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbbmlc5xfndbeck/CheeryMartensm.jpg?dl=0


Furret Rick playing some nude beach volleyball with Jenna or Chindy


Beach parties could use pooltoys right? Would be interesting to see your interpretation of my character Oyster(https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33388884/) as a pooltoy, doing pooltoy things?


I'd love to see more of your fuzzy shark character (I believe his name was Tac Sunus?) visiting a beach. Possibly a comedic moment where he is standing next to a sign that says "beware of sharks."


My two girls Syd and Steph at a beach party, both in Bikini's. Syd's bikini top having only one shoulder strap and Steph's is a strapless bandeau ring top. Syd is a little tipsy and partying had while Steph is shrugging her shoulders in a "Here we go again" kind of way but smiling. Refs for the girls if yo need them again Syd: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37323394/ Steph: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41196648/


My femsona dancing on the beach to some summer tunes from a radio. Happy to show off her new two piece. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/19890344/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/14020150/

Dreamous Iceling

I have an anthro gomamon (seal monster from digimon) that would fit in at the beach. He's one of those mischievous, joker, playful and teasing types. Could be SFW or NSFW. NSFW ref (on the left): https://www.dropbox.com/s/x1sy95jzqgjg2o1/Gamma%20%28L%29%20Vol%20%28R%29.png?dl=0


I'd like to have my fox character Lex inviting the viewer over to have a good time with him. I've got two ideas on how that might look. The first idea is having him laying on a beach towel and striking some sort of pose. Perhaps propping his head up with one hand with an inviting/friendly look. I'd be happy with this either being flirty or just being friendly and cute. The second idea is having him have some sort of tropical looking drink(or maybe even two!) inviting the viewer to come have fun with him. Reference sheet: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32868172/


While the adults do the party part what about the little ones? Time for sand castles and messy beach fun! Ali and/or my kangaroo girl playing in the sand at the beach. One or two character request. Iessa loves to play dress up, singing, dancing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_hlVXSX4CJ4RjN0NUFyeVA1MzA/view?usp=drivesdk&resourcekey=0-lJNdcPfrFYfoJ4V2OIw51w

Noah Fields

Can I maybe get my borzoi playing guitar on the beach, maybe with a campfire? (Nsfw refs) https://imgur.com/a/Xb72WRX Can you include his daughter if you're feeling up to it? You can do any outfits. Daughter refs: http://imgur.com/a/ZcTDAnA nsfw okay if the daughter isn't in it. Thank you! My last reward was October

Darsen McPanda

Summertime funtime, eh? How about Darsen in swim trunks doing some grilling on the beach with everyone's* favorite: bamboo stalks and shoots! *Only red pandas and giant pandas were consulted for this poll. Ref: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x8azs4ic5t1rh1y/darsen-model.png?dl=0


I am possibly late but how about this Luna on the beach at night nude with the moon slightly above with her glowing. Luna Character sheet here possibly NSFW https://d.furaffinity.net/art/hunterx90/1558502790/1558502790.hunterx90_d5bd079fd3aad268c568191494ecf8b9.jpg


Hi, maybe late, but - Not all beaches are in the tropics. What about this grizzly lady here having a "beach day" at the local mountain alpine lake? With or without frozen tourists. :) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4jbase37799jmmu/AAB7YIrjs6PbBi6CAvgntSA-a?dl=0


I hope it's not too late! I would like to request my fursona, Brave, relaxing under an umbrella in a deck chair on an otherwise empty-seeming beach, completely nude. I would prefer the sketch be NSFW. I have not received a sketch since October 2020. I have been a continuous Patron since then, Brave ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42326463/


Ray and Kar on the beach. Ray Ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/25565812/ Ray buried chest-down in the sand, enough that only his head and bare butt are sticking out. Ray looking distressedly backwards at Kar, who is licking his lips and eyeing over said butt, sporting either a boner or tented shorts.


I know this is a last-minute-request, but please hear me out. Have my character and SandyN's character https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31518812/ along with my polar bear girl Paula https://www.furaffinity.net/view/24291441/ enjoying a skinny dip in the ocean together. OR have the three characters resting on the beach nude with an ice cream cone in the hands with content on their faces (My male character should just have vanilla flavor).