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The theme this month is NIGHT TIME

0. You must post in the thread below to be eligible. Your post must follow the rules, have valid links, and your post must contain, at minimum, a complete thought. You must be okay with the finished picture being streamed and posted publicly. I reserve the right to not take a particular request for any reason. I do not check posts for validity until the first day I start the stream, so please get your request in before then and BE SURE you are actually following the rules.

1. I usually only select about 6-10 to draw.

2. At least three of these spots will be reserved for people who have not had a request answered in at least 6-8 months (was 4 months but the wait list is quite long now), with priority going to people with the most time without a request answered. I will have a spreadsheet to help track this, but if you remember the last time you've had a request answered and you have been a continuous patron, feel free to inform me on your request.

3.  Please post references for anything that's not easily searchable on google images. I'll sometimes consider text description for a single character so long as it's not overly complicated.

4.  The drawings will be done to whatever degree of finishedness I find convenient at sketch time--sometimes they will be rough sketches, and occasionally fully inked with limited color. This depends entirely on my mood and ability on sketch day.

5.   Although I will try to step out of my comfort zone for several, you usually have a better chance if you request something I like to draw (Check out the stuff I do for fun if you need an idea https://www.weasyl.com/submissions/rickgriffin?folderid=15100 ) This does not necessarily exclude fanart but it's certainly not something I do often. I will not draw anything that involves real people or giving fursonas to people you don't personally know.

6. If I am not certain of your preferences and you do not specify otherwise, I will assume you are okay with either SFW and NSFW (up to anatomically correct nudity). If you specifically want one, the other, or something more NSFW than my usual, you will need to specify. I am okay with *occasionally* depicting sexual situations for monthly sketches but I should still have some SFW works so it's not gonna be ALL NSFW. Anything Housepets style or concerning Housepets characters must remain SFW.

7.  Two character limit, though also keep in mind that two characters are harder to draw than one character, so I will often select one-character drawings. Any drawing that necessitates three characters or more will NOT be selected.



Peanut howling at the moon and grape looking rather disturbed

Diego P

The HP musician cats on top of a wall singing at midnight, and boot flying towards their general direction.


Retsuko from Aggretsuko and Judy Hopps from Zootopia getting drunk and singing karaoke in a nightclub, in their underwear.


I'd love to see my girl Carol, unusually confident due to a little liquid courage in her system, dancing with her cock flopping around at a bottomless club late at night. NSFW. Refs: https://d.furaffinity.net/art/cadmiumtea/1615834165/1615834165.cadmiumtea_shyewesm.jpg , https://www.dropbox.com/s/ckloax0tyoxshyh/carol%20only.png?dl=0


HI HI!!! it's been a while omg but since it's night time I've got an idea that might be super adorable <333 Fhyra is me (I think you have my ref but here is again! https://ibb.co/Nnvfk4B ) and Magenta is this lovely fennec!!! https://ibb.co/Gt3MdWB Fhyra is around 6'1 and Magenta is smol fenec so proportionately around 4'11 more or less! SFW nudity The idea would be us just exhaustedly sleeping on the sofa, magenta sleeping on top of me and using my bosom as a pillow to rest while I have an arm and a leg just hanging from the sofa; with my other lazy-hugging her hahahahaha In what would be an 'after party' scenario like the background could have a tiny sketchy of random assorted party destruction paraphernalia and now everyone left and we're just passed out! (it can also be implied through like an alcohol bottle or something that we got so wasted we kissed and slept together <3 but that's not necessary!) (holy fluff I just checked and my last was september 2020 why does time fly omg.)


Peanut and Tarot sitting together, she has her back against his chest Looking up at the constellations with Tarot pointing one out.


My cat Jake, lost out late in the woods with just his flashlight. Something or someone spooky is lurking in the shadows, big and hungry. Or maybe "hungry"... As NSFW as you'd prefer. Refs: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13103510/, https://imgur.com/a/AQiMzXo

Ezekiel Huerta

How about a night club scene? My werewolf Sammy sitting at a table, with the werefox Ami sitting ON it, seducing/kissing him. He looks nervous, she's totally in control. Sheath and nipples would be okay for this one. Refs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F0W4upB7YstWw_pqJ8X0uTY1dLjKWxZs/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vgTg0mOcFmzPFv7aDMF9Rv1Fj0FMBfOY/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NZrF62QTKzfhcq4hBd8PseGz_lpwwyJj/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-MHFBk0oDq24ya3CIJX-ZXXMjR6xA2Xy/view?usp=sharing And this is from a scene in my novel, so I'll include a link to the Google Doc and highlight the relevant passage in yellow (page 19) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U-7Gdvb_18kofLV719-LMWO9CSWxN8-A3iFwVNxoIT8/edit?usp=sharing


I want to see a scene where Rocket Raccoon confront one of your Ringel characters, maybe Inzari or Sinon, on the rooftop.


My unicorn gal (nsfw ref https://i.imgur.com/NmzgDJM.png ) asleep in bed in the nude, blankets at an odd angle as they have moved off of some of her body.


How about a sketch of my two squirrel girls, Ginger and Scarlet? They are laying outside in a field or meadow at night, and there are, or at least about to, get frisky with each other. Both links are NSFW Ginger https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42060325/ Scarlet https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42060350/ VERY VERY OPTIONAL: 69


Lowri ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxbl9hsbj991oxk/0a-Lowri-ref-revamp.png ) drinking and playing pool at a dark and shady speakeasy.


It may be a bit redundant, but I'd love a raccoon version of the exhausted kangaroo you posted the other day when equipment failures delayed the comic. I know that you just did that, but it fit my mood lately. And it was cute, Last suggestion I got was I think last October with the werewolf Peanut.


Okay, a good character for this. NSFW with My character Luna Luna lying in bed sleeping or teasing the viewer with her glowing fur. ( She can wear a shirt or underwear that is sliding off or up while in bed) ref sheet-https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31623074/ examples of her glowing https://www.furaffinity.net/view/35934652/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36038128/


How about Paris and Kinny cuddling on a couch? Kinny has already fallen asleep in his lover's arms.


I'm not sure if you've ever drawn a taur, so this may not something in your wheelhouse, but my chakat character Skystryder ( main ref: https://sky.chakat.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2020/08/CC82BB4C-DC68-4D14-B547-7F217727EE13-1019x1024.png more refs: https://skystryder.com/art/ ) Shi's a full herm with both sets of bits, and would be fine being in as NSFW position or SFW as you'd like. Plus chakat's are space-farers so it might be fitting and you could place hir in a space-y situation if you wanted ^.^

Simon Tesla

Hmm, how about my mouse character Simon curled up asleep in the pouch of a busty female kangaroo? Ref for Simon: https://simon.thornvalley.com/nsfwref (Keep forgetting to submit requests in time so maybe not overthinking it is the way to go n.n;)


Adrian and/or Hilde showing off their favorite night time attire to each other on a dare with eachother. Can be sfw or nsfw depending on what you're feeling and are comfortable with, etc. I'm not sure what either of them would pick not knowing their personalities well, and who knows they could surprise each other picking something unexpected? Could be nice out fit going out to dinner, bar, club, etc, PJs, lingerie, something kinky, other? I hope I'm not being too vague, and sorry if I am.


(Nsfw ref) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/27900812/ My kobold letting off some steam late one night after a hard day, being pent up for a while. In a place you can relax, like a bed or couch.


Ali howling at the moon, Hilde swearing she didn't teach him that.


(NSFW) Kinny and Paris having their first kiss from Family Ties 5, hands clamped on each other's butts, erections pressed together. Or, if that's already going to be one of the illustrations, just Kinny and Paris being intimate in general, unspecific to any particular scene.


Been 8 months I think, so time to toss my cap back into the ring... Based on an amalgam of events that happened during the first big post-COVID furry bash I attended, how about Istences, wearing only a skimpy jockstrap, singing folk karaoke (the late John Prine's "Paradise," to be precise) in an open double carport on a warm, humid, and buggy Southern late spring night, microphone in one hand and a glass or cup of beer in the other? Setting is complex, so of course take any liberty you desire to simplify things for a sketch if the idea interests you. Thanks as always, you're the best and we cannot wait to meet you at TFF next year. <3 (Ref link because it's been a while: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G5-RRKKMMF049Wlwft_LypnaudQqiPuW?usp=sharing )


SFW, 2 character. My own 'sona, Kilø https://www.furaffinity.net/view/20274434/ sitting on a hill with my friend https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/650768897531707394/811652597533769749/Blackglacierref.png under a full moon, both looking up at the moon and howling softly at it together


I would like to request a pic of my dragon Shiro enjoying a night on a moonlight beach with my Boyfriends dragon Rex. NSFW or SFW at your discretion, I just want something cute, sweet, cuddly, and romantic. Rex is significantly taller than my dragon. Shiro is 5’2” and Rex is 6’10”. If you choose to make the pic nsfw my dragon is intersex so he has lady bits between his legs, and Rex is the normal well endowed male dragon. As always thank you for the chance at a sketch. My derg is here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/28439597/ My Bf’s derg is here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42065906/?upload-successful


I'd love something with my lion gal: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/483552030045241347/847607694890237962/candycrossnuts2.png Following the theme of night time. Something with her sitting on the patio of a bar at a table, enjoying some kind of drink? SFW or NSFW is good with me either way! Thank you for the chance!


Hmm, maybe my friend's raccoon character stargazing, either with their eyes or through a telescope? if they're just watching normally, then maybe relaxing on a blanket outside and staring up at the heavens! Barring that, perhaps one of your couples (Kari and West, Adrian and Hilde, Clay and Reed, etc) lounging together on a couch or in bed? SFW or NSFW both options, of course! Ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32676610/ Last Done: December 2020 Thank you as always for the opportunity, love your work, Rick!


I would like to request my fursona and my boyfriend's fursona cuddling together on a bed, both nude, watching a movie on a TV in front of the bed in the total darkness of the room. I sit to my boyfriend's left and have my arms wrapped around his waist, head resting on his shoulder. His arms are wrapped around my shoulders, his head resting on mine. We're both leaned back against the headboard with pillows supporting our backs and necks, if it isn't too much trouble to draw. I would it be NSFW, with flaccid male bits showing. The last time I had a request answered was October 2020, 7 months ago. All attached images are NSFW! My fursona ref: https://twitter.com/brave_the_wolf/status/1222289986633990144?s=20 Best reference image that exists for my boyfriend's fursona (blue fox): https://www.furaffinity.net/view/30704945/ Please disregard my fursona's design in this. It's changed since that was done. The specific ref I posted has the fully correct current design. As always, thank you so much for this opportunity! I always get super hyped when you post the request entries at the end of every month. Keep up the amazing work.


During the night bats come out, vampire bats! How about a picture idea of my bat girl going out at night looking for a nibble and maybe getting frisky at the same time. My friend's character Kin may not look like a vampire but she as well as a taste for blood and she and Jydel are known to go out together for a red drink. Jydel: https://drive.google.com/file/d/104gYKXaTkWWNUuLMktbwJLtwhys_Bw5f/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V7Sb-33cmtI_k6zZ2h3lS_-OKwLHcCvd/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-UnSHW9H5-OOwUowvXGgYatGVS-zlzuC/view?usp=sharing Kin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1auHkIX8NXSfZ5tZCs88g6BIEzIfgutBx/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/11EG5sCDfBE9LLm7UvhxTT2rF61ZzxGu2/view?usp=sharing


What about the raccoons raiding trash cans at night thinking nobody is watching?


Peanut telling a ghost story by the campfire.


SFW looking at my character as they stand on a balcony/patio leaning on the railing looking out Ref: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ec2EqoSVcAE2vUp?format=jpg&name=900x900 Last time I got a sketch request was 1 year ago (May 2020), though I did have a 1 month interruption in my patreon subscription. Added direct link: https://twitter.com/ZerenoArt/status/1159270881329385473?s=19


Ushi the panda, walked in on while rummaging through the fridge, late at night, in nothing but a frilly see-through nightie. Caught red-handed stuffing her face for a midnight snack. Twist is, she is from a Earth-like 1930s era setting - So the fridge and clothing might be a little antiquated - So one of those fridges with the motor up top, or with the neat swept handles. :D Refs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rfii6a2qku8d9tv/AACG9eBXFs_cjkCpLfo2DjYBa?dl=0


I know there's only minutes left till May is over, but I'm gonna say my request anyway (And hope you read it). Adrian & Hildegarde as mermaids (topless) sitting on a rock in the ocean looking at the starry sky and full moon.


(As I've been picked last month, for a while these are to be taken as suggestions if you like) Adrian and Hilde sleeping in a bed (or couch, or what have you), with little Ali in the middle of them two - a really parental and cute picture.

Noah Fields

https://imgur.com/a/ZcTDAnA Can I maybe get my character playing guitaar at night (if you wanna include his daughter that's great!) or skinny dipping at night? (He has a sheath) Last reward was October


hotlinking a twitter image doesn't work very well, can you just post the tweet link?