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The theme this month is SHOW OFF. What's being shown off? Up to you! 

1.  I usually only select about 6-10 to draw.

2. At least three of these spots will be reserved for people who have not had a request answered in at least 4 months, with priority going to people with the most time without a request answered. I will have a spreadsheet to help track this, but if you remember the last time you've had a request answered and you have been a continuous patron, feel free to inform me on your request.

3.  Please post references for anything that's not easily searchable on google images. I'll sometimes consider text description for a single character so long as it's not overly complicated. 

4.  The drawings will be done to whatever degree of finishedness I find convenient at sketch time--sometimes they will be rough sketches, and occasionally fully inked with limited color. This depends entirely on my mood and ability on sketch day.

5.   Although I will try to step out of my comfort zone for several, you usually have a better chance if you request something I like to draw (Check out the stuff I do for fun if you need an idea https://www.weasyl.com/submissions/rickgriffin?folderid=15100

6. If I am not certain of your preferences and you do not specify otherwise, I will assume you are okay with either SFW and NSFW (up to anatomically correct nudity). If you specifically want one, the other, or something more NSFW than my usual, you will need to specify. I am okay with *occasionally* depicting up to lightly sexual situations for monthly sketches (exhibitionism, erections, groping, teasing, etc). Anything Housepets style or concerning Housepets characters must remain SFW.

7.  Two character limit, though also keep in mind that two characters are harder to draw than one character, so I will often select one-character drawings. Any drawing that necessitates three characters or more will NOT be selected.   



ed and dan showing off their butts and paws! both refs at http://eddanref.ed.dog

Alexander Opst

Ooh, this one is hard to resist- my big super-strong sabertooth hyena gal, Tasha, has a LOT to show off <3 Would you be possibly interested in drawing her flaunting her superhuman strength in some manner to fluster/tease her boyfriend Alex? My thoughts leap to her using one hand to lift their bed up to eye level while Alex is still on it, but really, anything that lets her proudly demonstrate her size and power would be lovely! Tasha: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gut4ihfpt1mddge/AADkLg9BnPvrqnGG79B8EXj7a?dl=0 Alex: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/88jrrvk8c73d2w7/AAArdvds6KnvfEdXd6dL8cy2a?dl=0


http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17212441/ Nsfw, relaxing watching the ocean


Istences lying down on a rocky beach naked. Honestly, if you could pick one of these as a reference, that would be perfect. Would love to see your interpretation!


mm My sona Jed ( http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26649242/ ) showing off his body spots and challenging a second character (your choice) to guess how many spots he has


Tasteful IRL nudity...https://twitter.com/FillTheTiger/status/1162850093025943554?s=09

Geo Holms

Breel showing off a secret special talent.


I’ll have my characters vani and Oreo together groping on each other’s crotches (SFW version) both have a lustful expression on their faces, I’d like them to be anthro (like A&H club body style) both of them have muscly bodies and wear no pants! Vani’s Ref Sheet: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ooc7nx4mga9svii/Photo%202014-10-01%2C%2012%2014%2058%20AM%20%281%29.png?dl=0 Oreo’s Ref Sheet: https://www.dropbox.com/s/23qjm3ngnxok70w/Photo%202015-08-07%2C%209%2049%2034%20PM.png?dl=0

Spooky Boogie

I would like my character Ritzy showing off on stage as a burlesque fan dancer! It can be NSFW RItzy Ref: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ok62bgtzvv8qorr/ritzys%20thumbnail.png?dl=0 <--- This is his updated hairstyle https://www.dropbox.com/s/b5ubvylwt62k8oo/Ritz_Template.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dqynafc0cj8bizk/956958commissionCarminek.jpg?dl=0


My character Hargrove showing off his tail bags. Links for reference. They are NSFW but tasteful. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/32094151/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/32196357/


I haven't had a drawing in 3 months, so here goes: Fresco has painted a peach on his easel, but bends over to get a new brush out of his paintbox on the floor. So we see both a peach on the easel and a peach of a butt from the painter. Fresco reference: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o2b5ysk3xwv7w0n/AADIrXqX2K8EPLLCSq_JVIvaa?dl=0


Biscuit the rat showing off his underwear collection! https://i.gyazo.com/a919b2a8ac9baf2eee8647b4fbbaf8df.jpg


Enid the Badger: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1smvzs0o0kzt1rt/AAApKSi1LrhaoaqDJxFHmhf9a?dl=0 Ushi the Panda: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rfii6a2qku8d9tv/AACG9eBXFs_cjkCpLfo2DjYBa?dl=0 Showing off their Sunday finest. (Both live in 1930s UK) Enid loves dressing like her male contemporaries, whereas Ushi loves flowy dresses.


My new character might be bit complex than what you used to sketch out, but I think I'll put her down as a request her anyway. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32654359/ If you're up for it, draw her successfully tying a cherry stem in a knot with tongue while looking suspiciously seductive. Maybe present it as if it were a reflection, if possible.


I'd like to request my racconish doctor https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-WUnuZ73DtCjE5rSBMWRvzErujJ277SM/view?usp=drivesdk in a pose reminiscent of Gary Larsons Far Side "Street Physicians https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Sic5qUtVZV8oz3JEW5l9v35iXCO-VzC/view?usp=drivesdk


My cowgirl showing off her new naughty (nsfw) cowgirl outfit ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29487976/


If you want to share something on google drive you need to use the share function


I would love my G-Shep fursona, Moll Sheppy showing off in a bodybuilding/dance contest. He's got big muscles and wearing a very revealing Speedo/thong that shows off a nice looking bulge. Pose wise, he'd be striking a sexy bodybuilding pose but also performing a pelvic thrust and he'd be winking at the camera. Hope you like the idea! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/27414691/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29495655/


Last picked request was in January. I’m hoping I could get another view of Karhyena flaunting his huge cock! (Alternate idea: Porte showing us his butt!)


Chindy is sitting on something (on a chair reading a book? on a bed?). His legs are crossed, one foot on the ground, other ankle resting on the other knee. He's wearing some loose shorts that are a bit <i>too</i> short, and you can see his bits up the raised leg.


Muscular lio girl showing off the guns and/or buns to Gert


How about Barnaby showing off his ASS-ets to another man. Perhaps he's showing off to Paris or Karyeena? Either way, he's bending over and raising his tail to show that he's still got IT. NSFW is preferred. Refs can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h4ff6u52rt0o5fu/AACqfmiBflSmTWULJth7zmwMa?dl=0


My mouse, in the process of stripping and giving a flirtatious look to the viewer. Maybe with one hand lifting their shirt and the other pushing down their pants for a full exposure. Barring that, perhaps Kar Yena pulling Guana's pants off and exposing him while Guana gets all flustered. Mouse Ref: https://tinyurl.com/pdr2019aSammyG Last Drawn Request: February 2019


I'd love to request my cougar, Sean (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9v0z8xx443f1xo5/AAAacOLmqw64UYqxbhBQZY6ya?dl=0 ) nekkid &amp; showing off doing a one-handed handstand while taking a selfie (he knows he looks good and likes to share it :P )


My friend Axton had a fun idea for this theme. My character Lex bent over slightly, looking back with a sly smile/smirk, as Axton, biting his lip, honks Lex's butt cheeks with both hands. I like trying to imagine how this occurred. For some reason the quality of Lex’s butt came into question and this was the only way to test it. Or perhaps there was some other odd reason for this, but Axton was apparently pleased regardless. Lex https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32825518/ (NSFW, ref sheet) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32475232/ (SFW, Really nice for facial details) Axton https://www.furaffinity.net/view/21768345/ (NSFW, full ref sheet) https://twitter.com/AxtonEgo/status/1107485322760183809 (NSFW, more detailed but doesn't have back markings)

J. N. Squire

Following last night's silliness on the HC's Discord, I request for real AND giggles a sketch with the two (at least one) main characters of the Friend For A Day story by ArcadeDragon. Kirren (female ringel) dared his friend Ashiok (shy and pent-up krakun bachelor and owner) to show off with a sexy pinup pose for her! He complies after a long hesitation, has a stiffy, but still tries to maintain his position for a while. You don't *have* to include Kirren in the drawing, but if you do, she is probably watching with a very interested look, taking a pic with her "smartphone" with one hand, a making thumb up with the other. Ashiok is probably having the blush of his life, confused about why he's liking exposing himself like this with this ringel. For the look of his shaft, I suggest we goes with a simple, smooth one. Nothing fancy.


How about Cory showing off some lovely skunk tail, bragging about how big and plush it is, like the rest of him?


I would like to see glp (Manual L. Jackson) as an animal in Housepets style. and he boasts with his madness link https://www.deviantart.com/viva-la-veritas/art/GermanLetsPlay-Fanart-584763281

Stoker Bramwell

http://d.facdn.net/art/stokerbramwell/1564969548/1564969548.stokerbramwell_swift.png Swift is looking THOROUGHLY proud of himself, smoke and/or explosions happening behind him/off panel. He's in his usual "outfit," his fur might be lightly singed. His overall attitude is basically "see, told you it'd be easy." He is being glared at skeptically grumpily by his vixen friend. She's also more or less nude (with accessories) and she has a short, cute practical hair/furstyle. She's completely unharmed


Hey Rick, Can you do my character showing off he is able to make sushi at home? As if we only see from the viewer perspective so you only see him in the kitchen SFW only please Example of my Character: https://twitter.com/ZerenoArt/status/1159270881329385473?s=09

Dreamous Iceling

My character (quadrupedal sea dragon) loves to show off the giant fish he catches! - (NSFW ref warning) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14719332/ (SFW ref) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5117226/ Or for a not-OC, you've so many characters to show off what nice or large footpaws they have! Bruce and Roosevelt the obvious choices for paw size showing off. Breel being an obvious choice as my fav. If anyone's doing that, i'd double down on it!


I'll take a shot! This time around I'll suggest something of my maned wolf, Estelle, showing off some of her more monstrous transformation magic! Displaying a toothy, if not menacing, 'tah-dah' with her arms tossed out to her sides post transformation. Estelle (Transformed) Refs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oy3x6zh403uj1xs/Estelle%20Gravey.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/d59f1kn9cd5s31c/Estelle%20smile%20Ficus.jpg?dl=0


no, thanks


How about a drawing of my elephant Bella showing off her new dress. She's excited and doing a little twirl. Bella's ref can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3mzbhv1ls2xt0q9/02%20-%20Bella%20Ref%20Sheet%20%5BSFW%5D.jpg?dl=0 Should would be wearing a dress kinda like these: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ow3v9wsl1991w0/Dress%20Examples.jpg?dl=0


Ever try a flemish giant?


For my first ever suggestion, I'd love to see my fursona, Furrhan, trying to show off by standing on one leg on a beach ball and juggling but failing at it, falling off and being hit in the head by his juggling balls. :P Ref linked below. SFW only, please. Thanks for the chance! https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ufs36eq36a2goj/21682459_1743411225691609_174208309_o.png?dl=0


Oh my gosh. Just had a thought. We know Grape likes buff canines and buff felines, but what about buff rabbits. Grape tugging on her collar while this giant rabbit hunk flexes his biceps.


How about my 'sona cupping, thereby accentuating, his furry package for the audience? http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14020150/


I would like to request my fursona, Brave, doing a sexy showing-off pose of your choice, only catch being that he can only wear a combination of the accessories on his ref completely of your choice or nothing at all! It's also hard to believe that this month is the one-year anniversary of when I first became one of your Patrons. Keep up the fantastic work! Ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32204789/


I have a NSFW idea featuring these two from last month https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LY5QllAse5RAuq1GU2GuWXjjcmoCTCJP/view The idea is to have those two swimming underwater with Sandy showing off her swimming skills to Gamer by doing the Dolphin kick https://www.furaffinity.net/view/26296690/ (In the event my idea is too subtle for this month's theme, my backup idea would just be Gamer lowering his swim trunks to reveal his penis to Sandy -who is most pleased by the sight- while they're both underwater). Thank you for reading.


Maybe Mako standing next to a early 70's porsche with torque wrench slung over his shoulder while he has a "proud father" sort of pose? As long as you keep it sfw, you can do what you want with it otherwise. Thank you for the opportunity! Here's the reference for Mako btw: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32865553/

Collin Hausman

Collin in his fantasy outfit hanging off a rocky ledge with one hand, looking down at some people below him with an expression that says, “What can I say?” The perspective for the shot is beside a face or two; use the face (or faces) to frame the composition. If you use two, you could have one of the face looking at the one next to them in disbelief. Silhouettes are okay for this, not a lot of detail here. Not sure if you do variants, but I would love both a version where the cloth cupping his genitals are bulgy and a version where that cloth is absent! Here’s Collin’s reference sheet. His adventurer outfit is on the same page. If you’re feeling adventurous you should try putting your spin on his raccoon feet, or the whole secondary body anatomy! I do love how you draw male genitals though, so use request that except make the sheathe a little longer. https://imgur.com/a/rdFv6F6

Noah Fields

Can I get this character: https://imgur.com/a/xOLIEU1 Either NSFW coming out of a public bathe, or SFW posing in a futuristic fashionable sci-fi outfit? Thanks


My ideas include: Matcha showing off his Gamer Skillz; ArcWolf showing off an advantage to alpaca anatomy is that you can both smooch Matcha and avoid his balls; Matcha giving a cam show to demonstrate the proper way to eat a big banana; or Chris, my busty GSD, showing Crystal’s otter how to have a(n NSFW) good time on a budget