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In the process of getting other work out of the way, I decided my collection of brush pens weren't varied enough and I have ordered more; they'll be here by the end of the month. I should have the cover for A&H 1 done before then. (To be quite honest I'm still nervous about this whole project going forward; I'm trying to push myself past my perfectionism and just get to doing) In the meantime I have been editing an unpublished short story I wrote last year called "Love, And Other Lies We Tell Ourselves". As you can probably tell from the title, it's a pretty dark story. It will be my first entry in my Dogmen universe, which is a dark/horror setting and this should help serve as introduction to part of it. It'll carry a warning, so you know, if you really don't want to read that sort of thing, I'm not making you. As for the people who chose the free ebooks tiers, when it is released on Smashwords--well I haven't quite decided; their coupon generator is general instead of a one-time-use thing, so I may just end up emailing out all formats for all my currently released short stories after the first payment period.


Henry K9

From what I see of A & H1, I can't wait! As far as the short story....Well I loved both of your books!


I'm sure it will be a great story, can't wait to read it!