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Okay if you've been in the streams, you'll know that I have two strips per page. Well, I only have one more comic in the arc Rabbit's Foot, and I don't have the script for the Christmas arc ready yet, so . . . what CHARACTERS would you like to see? Ideally this one-off will run AFTER Christmas, so the theme will probably be New Year's. This is a throw-suggestions-out thread. You don't have to suggest a whole comic, just which characters you want to see interact, or possibly something within the theme of New Year's or post-Christmas. I'm planning on drawing these on Tuesday so you have all Monday for suggestion-throwing!



As boring as this may sound, how 'bout a Peanut+Grape comic? A small classic throwback.


I'll second the idea of a Peanut&Grape comic. That being said I wouldn't mind seeing Joey or Bino show up since they don't always get a lot of attention( plus, one can never have enough Joey). We could sees Fiddler and Keys spoof a christmas song or have the Good Old Dogs Club members make a cameo? ((I could go on all day))


I agree that more Peanut and Grape would be something everyone can enjoy--especially for the holidays! Having Max and Tarot in the mix would be great, too.

Petrov Neutrino

Something with Bruce & Roosevelt finally arriving home would close that open item from the "I Need A Vacation" arc. Perhaps Peanut & Grape visiting them (or their empty habitat) at the zoo?


First choice: More Jessica. Yes, I know we just saw her. More please. Second choice: Dragon. I don't know what she'll look like as a mortal, and I realize that may be a surprise reserved for a future comic, but, hey, it can't hurt to ask.


I'd like to see what Bruce and Roosevelt are up to. Peanut and Grape shenanigans are always welcome too :)


You know, I DO have a script for that case, I wasn't just sure if it was necessary--but I guess people need closure!


Peanut & Grape seem to be in demand, what about something with Grape and King? They got off on the wrong paw the last time, why not give them a second chance. Maybe one of them/both are wearing costumes or something and don't recognize each other (so Grape doesn't gut the corgi AND you can use your ideas for a later meeting if you have any). And/or you could use some old character we haven't seen in a while. Keys and Fiddler, Daisy actually saying something other than her catchphrase, some humans (perhaps the Sandwich family), or a Hamilton Ferrets New Year's dinner (possibly Karishad is involved), or some snuggles because they're never enough, or someone visits the deers (because Xmas of course) at the zoo. Or we get to see how celestial beings celebrate New Year's. Or we learn something about Openermas or post-Omas festivities because cute woodlands possums & friends. . . . I might have gotten a little carried away. Too bad, I still had OTHER suggestions


I will always suggest more Itsuki. Maybe see how he does his traditional new years celebrations away from home. Another idea I had involved new years resolutions. Like someone going around the neighborhood and asking the residents what their hopes are for the new year.


I say it's time to check in on those otters at the zoo. All webcomics are improved by frequent otter appearances, you know.


I would love anything containing Karishad and his shenanigans XD

J. N. Squire

Peanut and Grape. It's getting pretty rare to see them together outside of "Let's Imaginate <insert title here>" arcs. :(


I would like to see what Earl and Jill are thinking these days. and Fiddler and Keys.


I would like to see what Earl and Jill are thinking these days. and Fiddler and Keys. To add onto the whole Peanut/Grape thing, I wouldn't mind seeing that as well, but what I think what would also be interesting is a arc specifically about Peanut OR Grape. Granted, you got a ton of characters, but since they are the ones people want to see, it wouldn't hurt to see what they are doing on their own once in awhile.

Tyler Dain

My two favorite characters are Jess and King. Not sure how those two would react together but a strip with either of those would be great.