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Need a cool refreshment? The soda bar is located just up the hill overlooking the all-nude Nirvana Beach, and is open from 1-11 every day and until 2 am on holidays






Real nice! ^^


*looks it up on Zoogle Maps* :)


Lovely Work. Wish I was there enjoying the warmth and company :)


I love going to places like this. Everyone is so nice, friendly, and accepting. It's so nice going some place and not worrying if you're wearing the right thing of what people will be judging you for. Captured the feeling perfectly. Chill and full of fun and good times. As always, great job on the lighting, texturing, and scenery. I love floor to ceiling windows and what better place than a beach? So cool. I wish I could look around the borders and see what else is going on. I also like the little accents like the necklaces and bracelets. I wonder what they are drinking?


Very cute! Love the colors


I didn't mean to color it this way initially but I'm thinking the rabbit got strawberry soda with strawberry sherbet on top

Diego P

I see a boner in the background!


Nope no boners. If you are talking about the 3 darker figures behind the bartender - the 'boner' is a tail. You are looking at the rear view of a fur who has their head thurned to the right.


BTW, this pic on your tumblr seems to be higher quality than the one here... it's about 551K there vs. 274K here, and this one has more JPEG artifacts :(


That is very weird because the saved image is 1.5 mb. I'm guessing that Patreon is trying to save as much space as possible.