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It was just one thing after another without any break. The necromancers attacking immediately without giving Unbound time to work out the mysteries around the strange noble and the mindless slaves. With his irritation, he suddenly had a thought to kill all the necromancers.

As they funnelled into his Dungeon, he trapped them. Unbound did not seal the entrance but flooded the territory outside with twelve Void elementals. They wanted to kill or enslave him, why should he treat them like an Adventurer challenging his Dungeon.

He ordered the Void elementals to block and follow the force, to consume them entirely. It was not like the previous incursion with large numbers there were only three necromancers with four Undead each, but they seemed far more powerful.

It did not matter. The number of elementals he had sent to purely destroy the force would remove the chance for new patterns but Unbound was tired of being interrupted by one invasion after another.

There were fifteen invaders in total and Unbound created several more Void elementals in the room they were about to enter. He was running dangerously low on mana as he created the extra four, but he ordered all of the new Void elementals to converge on the invaders and kill them all.

The necromancers could barely give a cry of shock as a concentrated aura of Void swirled about, obliterating them and their Undead servants in an instant. Seeing the nigh instant destruction Unbound settled his annoyance slightly, Elvinia was helping put the fire mage and the knight into the residence area and she would like to see the excessive violence.

He gained nothing from the newest attack, Void unmaking everything there was to take as a victory spoil, but he was satisfied none the less and created small pockets in the walls for the elementals to hide in. There were an extra sixteen Void elementals in his Dungeon, and he felt safer despite his mana being depleted massively.

Moving on from the swiftly destroyed attack he moved back to examining the new residents, Elvinia had returned to her own abode nearby his core and Unbound was gently pushing through the fire mage’s and knight’s weakening life auras.

Normally he would not be able to do anything but currently with their auras faded he could gently push his mana and his sight through to see the two. He focused upon the knight’s body first, he had been able to see the pattern of the dead knights and could compare them.

Where the mind sigil had resided in the dead knights was a smooth out piece of brain matter. In the dead knights, the sigil had been engraved on the inner skull and the brain matter had changed slightly as well, here there was no sigil, but the brain matter had stayed slightly shifted.

Unbound pushed some mana into the flesh to try and shift the brain closer to a normal human one, he did it extremely slowly and delicately because he knew how careful he had to be. The brain moved slightly under his magical grip, slowly filling out into a spherical curve where the ridges of the sigil lines once were.

As he worked the knights breathing hitched and eased in clockwork as he smoothed out the flesh, Unbound then withdrew from the knight’s body and aura and observing to see if he had corrected anything.

He was not going to try and attempt the same with the fire mage unless he knew that he had done something correctly.

Unbound waited for a long time, the four other residents, who had a mind of their own, stayed far away from the room where the knight and the fire mage were. They had seen Elvinia bring in the knight but had turned back to their own business before the mage was brought in too.

There was likely going to be several hours before the knight would wake and Unbound turned to his other projects, he felt there was about to be a new change in the small chambers he had his defenders fighting within.

He had several of his deer defenders facing off against constantly respawning waves of Undead. There were Skeletons and Zombies that were fighting the deer and they had therefore developed serious armour and poison resistance.

What had Unbound excited with the deer was how they had not formed bone armour. Most of his evolving defenders formed an exoskeleton of bone as a way to reduce the damage done by blows whereas the deer had not.

The deer had eaten some of the copper, iron, and stone with the small outcrops of grass Unbound put in the chamber. The deer used the material they ate to form a shell of stone with metal threading through it. It gave Unbound hope for the future if he could have defenders form armour out of reinforced material, it would make armour that could get stronger when mana was pushed into it.

The deer had also developed a poison resistance to zombies but that was a minor change compared to the deer’s antlers. Normally they resembled a set of twisted branches with blunted points and no edges, with the new deer they were similar to a massive shield or rough helmet.

It had flattened out and fused together to create a shape around the deer’s skull that resembled a helmet with a large point at the top of the head and the chin. Together it reminded Unbound of a knight’s horse, draped in steel armour and designed to charge directly at enemies.

It was so close to a warhorse Unbound couldn’t help but name the deer a Warrior Deer.


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