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Ignoring general floor layout at the moment, Unbound pulled all possible defenders capable of hurting the undead into the second floor. He lined the traps with Purge Undead enchantments before they reached the third room.

He placed the large armada of beings the other side of the river in the second floor, Large Hunting spiders and all their variants, Wildcats and their variants, the predatory animals upon the second floor, all of the basic affinity elementals and the nests of void elemental ants in one massive army.

The newest void elemental he placed before the doorway into the second floor, its own form blocking most of the doorway. Unbound was unable to move The Bone Tearing Spider Boss due to being rooted to the floor but he ordered the boss to lash out wildly without concern for self-preservation.

The Undead horde marched forward without opposition, all insects and small animals had been closed off in their dens to protect them and had moved into the seventh room. The shambling zombies had fallen behind the mass of the horde, dropping flesh everywhere. The skeletons were the vanguard of the army with the bone plated animals just behind them.

Unbound was anticipating the various bone plated animals, he could variants of bears, wolves, and deer which he hoped he could use to improve the patterns for the defenders once he purchased them. Or somehow fuse the two of life and unlife.

The Undead host moved into the boss room and a quick swipe from the boss decapitated the initial skeleton, its whip like limb wrapping the thin piece of bone that was unprotected by steel. The next three skeletons were able to advance closer, two of them were similarly decapitated to the first but the third bought time for the next group to move faster.

The boss took down thirteen skeletons before it fell to the combined might of the remaining four skeletons and several bone plated animals. It gave enough time for the zombies and resurrected slimes to catch up and the shambling zombies fell into the void elemental in their rush to enter the second floor.

Many of the zombies and resurrected undead fell to pieces upon encountering the void elemental until something shocking happened. The sheer tide of the bodies pushed past the shroud of void that wrapped around its core, dissolving as they went, and shattered the void affinity gem that made up the weak point of the elemental.

Unbound looked upon that with awe and a glimmer of understanding, whilst it was true that Void was all that reality wasn’t, but reality was also the reverse of Void. It seemed to stand to reason that enough of reality would overwhelm the Void that made up the elemental, especially as it was a weakest elemental.

As the cohort of undead moved past the dead legendary affinity creature they started to spill onto the forest if the second floor. The tiny remnants of the zombie and slimes as they were pushed past by the faster moving bone plated undead.

Within a forest area the bone plated animals seemed less horrific. They almost seemed like strange moving albino animals and Unbound wished to place a few in with the normal animals upon the floor once the invasion force was routed. Unbound felt more confident in their destruction now, whilst the void elemental had died it had taken a large amount of the undead with it.

The broken legion of undead started crossing the river, the zombie’s flesh poisoning the water, and the smaller creatures within harrying the unquiet dead and knocking them over to be taken away by the current.

Unbound felt his own forces were overprepared then, the bone plated undead charged into a line of earthen elementals that cracked their shells of bone and the resurrected slimes, Unbound was excited to see more than the flesh variant, met wind elementals that sliced their bodies and cracked the cores.

The zombie’s weaker flesh was torn of by the whirlpool forces that the water elementals called forth and the few remaining skeletons were torn to pieces by the various creatures that defended the dungeon.

Once the battle was fully finished Unbound moved to repair the floors and push the defenders back to their own rightful places. He pulled the zombies necrotic poison from the water but sent the ant variant to clean up all the globules of flesh, that way to turn flesh into something to help fill and build the creatures life aura, and tiny bone fragments.

After that he pulled up the new patterns upon a screen.

Bone plated Undead: Bear, Wolf, Deer, Fox, Snake and Human variants

Resurrected Slimes: Bone, Ash and Dust

Rotted Zombie: Plague Bearer

Zombie: Necrotic and Plague Bearer

The Plague Bearer seemed interesting, whilst it hadn’t hurt his dungeon more noticeably compared to the Necrotic variant it could damage any living being over time even if they left his territory. It could, if he improved it, be a threat to any kingdom or church who tried to destroy his core.

The last piece of sizable benefit he gained from the attack was the six levels he had gotten that took him to level twelve, including the level from the necromancer like person, and that meant a new floor and first unlock of affinity mana. He had also gotten many shop points that he would use once the next floor was crafted.

Joy burst through him at the thought, he truly enjoyed being a dungeon with crafting and building and repelling enemy attacks. It was a type of almost primal fulfilment that suffused him as his instincts pulled to create more and more.

Then it was time to talk with Elvinia, before he dived into the rolling power of all that was Void to pull the space for his next floor.


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