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Shop: Defenders

Slime 20 Points

Kobold 20 Points

Goblin 20 Points

Freshwater fish (unique to current world) 35 Points

Crayfish 10 Points

Fox 15 Points

Deer 20 Points

Boar 25 Points

Wolf 30 Points

Bear 50 Points

“Why are there no bundles for woodland animals?” Unbound asked his fairy.

“It is because it is a one time offer for new dungeon, I am actually surprised that there is a bundle for freshwater fish.” She explained. “It is why I pushed you to buy the first three bundles immediately, it is immensely damaging to a new dungeons prospects to try and buy individual options for bugs or try and collect all of the species via absorption.” Unbound shuddered at that, the sheer number of small creatures he had knowledge of was immense. Trying to individually purchase them or absorb them, he did not want to think about.

After purchasing the freshwater fish option, he proceeded to buy the crash fish and deer, which wiped out his points completely. Elvinia approved of his choices, the crayfish and fish could be added to the small pool on the first level as well as the river on the second. He thought about the slime, considering the power of the resurrected one but decided to wait anting to make the second floor testament to his past life.

The main forest could be populated with many tiny animals, rabbits, squirrels, small birds, and bats, and then populated with other small predatory animals. Raccoons, weasels, and skunks would all fit in to make the forest seem natural. Along with the deer, which Unbound intended on evolving through time rather than dedicated battling, would make any intruders unable to differentiate between normal animals and creatures designed to kill them.

For the forest’s defence Unbound added small elementals with purposefully cracked gems so that their form was weaker, deciding to set up the floor so that it wasn’t to solely repel undead. He used water elementals around and, in the river, earth elementals scattered through the forest and wind elementals in the trees canopy.

He also added a few springing cats and tearing spiders from his first floor along with the bone tearing spiders (non-boss variant) to help up the difficulty. He added small dens, not recognised by the system, for the creatures to multiply in.

To purposefully combat the undead, he added pitfall traps with inactivated Purge Undead enchantments upon the iron spikes at the bottom. The traps were once again covered over with a small layer of dirt and stone. The new alarm traps were put at places further away from concentrations of defenders.

Unbound was unsatisfied with the new floor, whilst he tried to model it after a forest it felt slightly too forced, lacking grass, and fallen sticks and leaves. Unbound did not have a pattern for grass but he tried small patches of moss upon the trees and patches of vampiric moss to carpet the floor slightly beneath trees.

It looked better and Unbound left it for now for a more trouble some task, crafting a new place for his core and a boss to defend it. He took the furthest pint from the entrance to the second floor and crafted a small cave beneath the forest floor. The entrance point of the cave wide enough for two skeletons to march in side by side.

He formed a smaller room behind the main chamber for the boss and pulled up the stone as a pedestal, creating a small pillar of granite that appeared twisted and braided. With his new core placement prepared he attempted to shift there.

Nothing happened. He gave it two more tries before conceding and asking his void fairy.

“How to I shift my core to the new core room?” He asked, slightly hesitant still from where he had scared her. “I am trying to move my core there, but nothing happens.” He continued. Elvinia thought for a moment before asking a question.

“Are you trying to move your own core or the matter around it?”

“My own core.” He replied. She nodded at that.

“That’s not how it works.” She replied. “You can’t move your own core, that would be like picking both feet up off the floor when you were human.” Unbound understood that and asked how to move his core then.

“You have to manipulate what you can, the environment around you, to move your core. Before you do it will feel wrong at first, ignore it.”

Following her advice, he moulded the stone around him and slowly flew it through the air. His own core felt weakened as he did so, parted from the dungeon itself, and thus progress was slow. He had just crossed the river on the second floor when he felt intruders in the dungeon. Trying to see the intruders he felt his sight of the area refuse to move.

“You will be unable see the intruders until you have placed your core again. Move quickly.” She hurried him. By the time he fit his core upon the granite pillar and looked for the intruders they had started attacking his former core room.

The spider boss was lashing out at the two skeletons it fought the undead fighting far more intelligently than before, whilst not upon the unison of the church knights the undead was using their own armour to advantage. The boss tore one skeleton in two pieces whilst the other hacked at it.

However, as the Bone Tearing Spider Boss started breaking the second skeleton three other figures in the room attacked the boss. A massive flash of blackened mana caused the Boss to rot away quickly after it destroyed the boss.

The other figures were two larger undead, not skeletons, their bones fused into a larger animalistic figure, thick and heavyset like a boar made of bone. In between the two large undead animals was a tattered black cloak.

It was the figure that shot the spell to kill the Boss. It had glowing green orbs that could be seen beneath the tattered cloak. One flesh covered hand had pushed out beneath to fire the spell and its pale flesh was taut over a bony skeleton.

They stepped over the corpse of their compatriots and the Boss to move into the second floor, passing the tunnel to the full elementals that Unbound ordered to slowly follow the intruders whilst remaining unseen.


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