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Dear Patrons ,

It’s my 5th Patreon Anniversary ! I started my Patreon Journey back in October 2018 💖

Back then I was kinda reluctant to start a Patreon because it requires a lot of discipline to create content monthly . I was travelling a lot for cosplay events so I’m kinda worried that I’m unable to deliver the rewards on time .

However I’m really glad that I took the step to start my Patreon . With the support from you dear patrons , I’m able to continue do more cosplays ! We started we 2 photo sets and now we are at 4 photo sets per month 💖

If you are here since the beginning of my journey , you should be able to see that I improved lots all this years ~ from renting studio to now the custom studio sets that I have and only unique to me , it’s due to all your monty support here .

Your support here also enabled me to take care of my Precious medical bills ( he crossed the rainbow bridge in August 2023 ) and now my remaining 10 Cat Fams ☺️

Whether you are at Tier 1 or Tier 5 , I’m really happy and grateful that you find my content worthy for your monthly support , that means a lot to me 💖

Although Patreon is not my only job , but having your support gave me a lot of artistic freedom . I’m able to continue making content that I really enjoy 💖

Okay enough of my long story ~ I have to prepare for a photoshoot today !






Congratulations on your anniversary~! Happy to have you here, and glad I can support you ^-^


Happy 5th Anniversary!!