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Dear All ,

Here are the rewards for October's Patreon ! This year I've prepared and planned the sets much in advance so I'm able to do a full Halloween-Themed Set for this month. All the photoshoot are done in my home studio ~ I had lots of fun especially for the Jiangshi and Nun set !

Set A : Miku Villain Ver ( 40 p ) 

Set B : Marin Halloween ( 28 p ) 

Set C : Original Jiangshi ( 34 p ) 

Set D : Nun 2.0 ( 36 p ) 

Oct EXTRAA : JiangShi + Nun ( 42 p )

All rewards are available now till 31st October. If you wish to pledge or upgrade you can do so till end of the month , do drop me a PM is you do. Appreciate all your support ~ have a great weekend !






Marin Halloween is my favorite of them all, love that yellow witch hat! Great sets and great halloween vibes


<p style="color: #008600;">It's great that you were able to create all these awesome sets for Halloween! I love this Halloween theme so much and can't wait for this spooky day!</p>