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Dear Patrons ,

I've been having a really bad allergy for the past two weeks and I've seen two doctors and it still doesn't cure yet. It turns out that my EarlGrey is giving me allergies because he has fungus orz.

I sent him to the vet few weeks back to neuter and he stayed overnight at the vet's place. After that I didn't give him a shower because he healing from his surgery. I guess he got the fungus from the vet and he sleeps with me so .... my skin got really sensitive after my sandfly bites from my beach photoshoot !

Thank God for EarlGrey it wasn't anything serious , it can be cured by medication. I can't sleep with him for 2 weeks till his fungus cure otherwise my allergy will continue ~~ I'm quite upset but the allergy is driving me crazy as well. I wake up at midnight scratching my legs and now I can't wear shorts because my legs are so red and has scratches lol.

Anyways I hope that everything will be okay soon. I'll be travelling overseas next week , hopefully it'll be better by then ! * thinks of a costume that covers my legs * I guess Atago will be a good choice because ... stockings ! Any stocking lovers here ?






Ahhh so thats the main reason😅😅


Take care of ur health sis. Its painfull just to hear u cant sleep with the lil ones. Get well soon... ^__^


Take care get well soon! 😊


Feels sad for both of you and EarlGrey. Good thing his fungus is not serious. Allergy can be a pain too since I also have eczema. So, hopefully you’ll be alright in the meantime. God is telling you to wear less haram costumes. 😅


Oh no :( hope the allergies will go away soon!!


Could this be his revenge for u cutting off his balls 🤣🤣. Anyways pray u will get well soon🙏🙏

Loow Kok Kent

i know that feeling .......midnight scratching and cant be control ....that really painful .......for my situation is quite funny ( white blood cell hyperactive ) ... it cause me allergies and eczema.....btw hope you and Earl Grey get well soon ya ~so you can show your sexy long leg (piak ~~XD

Kirito Kazuga

Damn, no more letting EarlGrey sleep on your bed for awhile lol. Hope it'll all clear soon. 😘❤ Stockings lover always 😍


Take care get well soon!


oh noo :( get well soon, both you and earl grey! <3


Take care jie . Love youre legs lololol


Take care~~~


Take care !!! And I love stockings XD


get well soon yeah! :3 and yes I love stockings *shy


Take care get well soon hope your  allergy  clears  up Yes i like stockings

Jason Koh

Take care! Stockings are great! XD


uoohhh more allergies 😭😭 praying for your speedy recovery bb ♥️♥️♥️


Take care ah!! Take some medicine and get your cats treated!! 🙏 Btw yesh I'm a big fan of thighs and stocking 😉


Aiyoyo take care aye


whoa, hope it gets better! Stockings is love, stockings is life! <3 <3 <3


Take care. Stockings are lovely too.


yeahhh I feel sad that I couldn't sleep with him ~ he loves to jump on the bed so much :(


it takes quite long I guess because I cant leave my earlgrey lol


thank you love ! so heartbroken earlgrey cries at night wanna sleep with me :(