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Dear Patrons ,

I'm having a hard time avoiding delicious food. (๑◕︵◕๑)

Since I got back from Taiwan ~ I'm now on a " eat clean " diet. I realized that carbs make me gain weight very fast but I love eating them . It's hard adjusting to the new diet after going wild in Taiwan lol.

Don't get me wrong , I know that I'm not fat . I just want to be a better version of myself ! Been struggling with my weight issue for a few years now . I go to the gym regularly but it's hard to control my diet. My trainer always tell me that he want to slice his biceps and hang on the wall if he can't give me good progress ! * sounds scary , he is a nice person lol *

I managed to be quite disciplined back in 2016-2017 . I go for gym session in the morning and I do Zumba / Muay Thai at night. I couldn't go for night classes anymore now due to live gaming streams.

I'm so jealous when I watch Yuka Kinoshita's videos. She is a Youtuber that makes videos about eating a lot ~ she can eat like 50 burgers / whole giant bowl of rice / 100 satays and still maintain slim orz. If you like to watch people eat , you can check out her videos ~ the food looks so good !

Do you have any fitness / diet tips for me ?

How do you keep fit and healthy ? Or are you the blessed percentage of people who don't gain weight no matter how much you eat !






If u are really desperate. Have a tape worm in u, that way u can eat and still be slim🤣🤣


I cant live without carbs🌚🌚


i’m also trying to lose weight, have been eating stuff’d(not sure if it’s in msia too) daily bowl for dinner as it’s quite filling :D jiayou


I go to a pt twice a week and i eat healthy foods


I am the 1% who eats an Apple and gain 1 kilo -.- But maintaining weight you can try the 8hour eating period / 16hour blank AKA intermittent dieting Keep your meals regulated within the 8 out of 24 hours (eg : 10am to 6pm to be your timing for eating 3 meals , 10am breakfast , 2pm lunch , 6pm dinner) then you don’t consume anymore meals in the next 16 hours from 6pm to next day 10am. You can drink water (or Kopi-O if you want) but no sugar-ed drinks :)


Well no carbs means more meat aye XD

Jason Koh

I almost see it as day 3 without crabs lmao.

Jason Koh

Mashu so chio ❤️


I do low carb high fat diet~~


this pic u look so precious 😍 ganbatte workout!i try to workout everyday too,its a pain hahha


I thought "without cats"


Jiayou! Don't be too stressed, just take your time and really follow your diet! Must control, just focus on the results that you want!!


cutting carbs will have a few immediate effects . 1 feel less bloated 2. feel less tired. sugar is also a main contributor to this. I am also struggling to bring down the weight but just by cutting out carbs ( or reducing la.. i still love my chicken rice wei) u will already start to feel results. Caffeine does help to 'burn' your fats in a way hence a lot of 'fat burner ' products have caffeine as a main ingredient.


Done Keto diet and workout for the past 3 years, lost 36kg since, would be happy to share with you if you're interested


I am still struggling with weight, I was at 106kg 3 yrs ago and now I dropped down to 84kg currently, its hard to control but I must persist due to my knee injury when I played basketball last time :( what I did is cut out eating rice completely and I just eat vegetable and meat, sometimes I still cheat day la haha got eat rice (chicken rice and fried rice *ahem* my favourite) but I try to control my portion. also I seldom drink soft drinks and those sweet coffee drinks from Coffee Bean and Starbucks and now I only drink Black Coffee mostly. now im doing a diet course hopefully I lost more weight before I go AFASG hehe, my target weight now i want atleast drop down to 70kg so hopefully when I meet you I wont look like a potato Dx I know its hard for you, but I know you can do it de! jiayou! :3


Need to follow your diet, as "no amount of exercise can compensate for an unhealthy diet". Just watch your calorie intake and avoid some low quality food. You need food quality more during this time.

Loow Kok Kent

I think i am the one who blessed.....i eat many many but still thin like bamboo sia....but ....i got atopic dermatitis (eczema) ..it found out while i study during secondary school.....so i have control my eating habits (less meat , more fiber sia)...btw wish can diet success ya~XD


Jiayou! ❤️❤️❤️


ah.. kimono... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Go gym more haha