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Dear Patrons ,

Meet my best friend , Miss Hermes !

I first met her during auditions for Moe Moe Kyun Maid Cafe back in 2012.  I've seen her photos before I met her and she is known to be very princess like and unfriendly lol. I didn't expect that I would be friends with her because of all the stories I heard about her but she turned out to be the sweetest , greatest friend I ever have.

I don't have many close girlfriends , just a few and she is the only one I never fought with or even argue not even once till now. She is very understanding , kind and patient. I am very sad when she had to go to Japan for studies back in 2016 : it is her dream to study and live in Japan. We are very close ~ we go for meals and movies together and we also go for vacations together.

When she is in Japan for studies ~ I think we drifted apart a little because we weren't physically there for each other. I don't get to visit her much as well because I'm busy with work and she only comes back twice a year for short holidays.

After she's done with studies ~ she decides to continue living in Japan because she loves her life there very much. I'm sad of course because I won't get to see my best friend much but I'm happy for her as long as she's happy :)

I'm really glad that I'm able to spend a few days here in Taiwan with here eventhough this trip wasn't that exciting due to the weather. Just grateful that we can talk and walk together , just doing stupid things together lol

We actually have a hashtag together in Instagram named " Heartze " . It's filled with photos and videos of us back in 2016 . It reminds me of the good times and memories we shared ( also how fat I gotten now wtf lol ). Would like to make more of this good memories in the future.

Time to save up for another trip next year. Maybe a different country this time !

( and I need to lose that weight so I can look good in photos )

Do you have a bestfriend ? Share some stories with me !






Good lor .do you call her on a regular basis ? Its a blessing to have such a close fren 😭😭😭😭 i dun simply approach ppl thats why i dont have much close frens . Be nice to me ya jieee


no man ~ used to text a lot but nowadays only once in awhile because we both have our own life ~ but yeah I miss her a lot , I still not making any girlfriend la HAHAHAHA


I had a Friend back when I was in like 3 years old and till now, we “Jio”each other go eat prata and teh Tarik XD


thats really sweet to read <3 ^v ^ so happy for you


Heartze? That some love you get there. I have my close friends from my high school life starting 2008 till now. Its already 10 years. Once at the end of the month we will hangup together, there was 4 of us ,one of em already married, another one already engaged, but we still contact with each other. This is the best friend relay that i have in my life ^__^


I do have close friends. We still contact each other. Just not that always as we all have our own lives to live with. But, yeah!


I have some close friends, we still hang out once a year to catch up; but I think I spend more time with my sister and her best friend, driving them around to yumcha every week so much I also think of my sister's friend as a close friend since we also go to events together..... 😂😂


"I'm really glad that I'm able to spend a few days here in Taiwan with here eventhough this trip wasn't that exciting due to the weather." Is it got a typo in this sentence?😂😂


So nice to have a best friend like that, no distance can split you


i have a bestfriend whom i've known since we are both in kindergarten lol 😂😂 she's like my second mom since she knows almost everything about me, worries a lot about me and understands me so well she always give me good advice 😂 i really appreciate her existence in my life, and i do understand that feel of getting distant because of each other's private lives and busy schedules.. it's always nice to catch up when we had a meet-up, we ended up talking nonstop :3


here's comes an annoying question ~ When is your turn to get married XD


yeah I think really good friends doesn't need to keep in touch everyday when you meet is like you have never seperated at all


hahahaha ~~ I think we have this yamcha culture with friends hor ~~ but I don't yamcha at all one leh. I usually just chat via messenger or whatsapp lol


I think I wanna write with Hermes ~ a bit kan cheong because she sitting behind me when I type LOL


ya ~ I'm happy that we still can remain friends ~ I love her a lot !


hahahaha ! Hermes is like that too ~ she listens to me and never judges ~ very supportive in whatever I do ~ just miss her soooo much laaaa


I had a best friend before but he kinda went on ahead. I must admit I have a large circle of friends, but I really go with people who are in the smaller circle of close friends whom I already regard as family.


Nice to see you both link up again!!! ❤️❤️