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Hi everyone, hope you've been enjoying our #shorts - our final one will be coming out at 7pm AEST! We will finally be posting 1FA episodes again from next week, so please look forward to that. We thought we'd just give everyone a little update as to where we're at at the moment for the sake of transparency.

As you may know, filmmaking is expensive and takes time! We finally finished and released Season 5 in Nov/Dec after working on it for most of 2022, which was a colossal effort from all involved. That concluded our Screen Australia funding contract, and we have been very lucky to be funded by them for Season 3, and then 4&5 as well as help from our Kickstarter supporters! Now that all those episodes are complete, it means that we are now back to our own dime, relying on YouTube ad revenue, sponsorships, and your Patreon support to be able to continue making content.

Our cast and crew have grown considerably over this process. Compared to when we first started and everyone was just volunteering their time, with funding we have been able to pay everyone at industry minimum rates for their work and this is something we're continuing to do. This means that it costs at least $10,000 to get on set for a day and all the post-production involved too. We need to save up for many months to be able to afford to shoot. This is why we haven't posted any full episodes this year just yet, and why we've taken sponsored content like the Call of Dragons video - to be able to make more 1 For All!

Our new episodes (what we're calling Oneshots now) will be similar to what we released between Season 4 and Season 5. They're shorter ~3 minute episodes, focused 2-3 characters giving the actors have more to do with greater flexibility and creative input. This allows us to save money/time on set and be able to shoot more episodes! The scale of them will be smaller than what you've seen in our previous funded episodes, but hopefully you'll love them all the same - we think these episodes are pretty funny!

Some of you may be asking, why not ask Screen Australia for funding again? We are currently exploring more funding opportunities - potentially for something bigger and better than our current short form content (a movie!!!), but it's a long and uncertain process! In the meantime, we want to make sure we're still making content for all of our supporters.

We also have a bunch of exciting new collaborations and announcements coming soon so stay tuned!

Thanks for all your support! Feel free to ask any questions or give us any feedback here :)



Michael Lubker

Love the show... would you consider web3 fundraising/collaborations? (happy to take to email/DMs)

Andrew Harrison

Is there another Kickstarter in the works?

Deerstalker Pictures

We want to save the Kickstarter for something other than the normal episodes so we can really rally everyone together for a big cause! But in the mean time we have Patreon and maybe some other fundraising campaigns (another liveplay game perhaps?)