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Hi Everyone! Thought we'd jump on and share some exciting news about whats coming up this month!

First off we've got not 1, but 5 Original YouTube #Shorts releasing over February and March! Very excited to share those with you!

We're also dipping into something new with an Elden Ring Video starring Forgeling, Fall Cosplay and our MUA artist Soylent Cosplay! This will be releasing around the games 1 year anniversary.

The next shoot block is coming up later this month! We'll be filming 6 short stories within the 1 For All world, we'll be sure to share some BTS content over on the Patreon exclusive Discord server! Be sure to join!

We'll also be releasing some more character t-shirts later this month over on our merch site - colabmerch.com/1forall be sure to stay tuned and remember to use your Patreon exclusive discount code for up to 20% off! 

Last but especially not least, we're in the very early stages of looking into development funding opportunities for 1 For All: The Movie! A WHOLE FRICKEN MOVIE! 😱😱😱

Thank you again so much for your continued support! We absolutely could not be doing this without you!

- Elliot



Woohoo!! Super exciting! 🤘🏻🔥⚔️