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Telling stories for screen has always been our dream. That’s why we created our YouTube channel: a way to hone our skills, a stepping stone to maybe our own television show or feature film. 1 For All started as a fun, one-off D&D parody, but has since grown into something much larger than we ever anticipated thanks to our amazing fans and the passionate TTRPG community. Through it we’ve been able to take meaningful steps in our careers for both cast and crew, and receive incredible opportunities through funding bodies such as Screen Australia and Kickstarter.  

As the series has grown, we have moved away from our original D&D parody to create our own world, inspired by many tabletop RPGs, as well as fantasy genre video games and film media. This became our own 'homebrew' world and was a move we made for both legal and creative reasons, back in Season 3. Unless we have been specifically sponsored by a company, our players have been adventuring in their own fantasy world. We hope that this move will aid us in working towards our goal of pitching 1 For All to a streamer or network, with our own IP in hand. This is a brand new fantasy world for our “heroes” to murderhobo their way through, which we are excited to explore and share with our viewers.

Our main goal for this new year is to take the next step in the 1 For All journey: to develop and produce the TV Series that we all want to see. This will be a long and challenging process as we pitch to producers and streaming companies and hope they see the thing that makes 1 For All so special. Because the 30+ episodes and millions of views, likes, and comments on the existing web-series might not be enough, we're exploring the idea of crowdfunding a half hour pilot episode to prove this show has legs. Nothing is set in stone yet but we're bursting with ideas and hope we can get the opportunity to make it happen.  

In the meantime, just so there isn't a complete drought of content, we plan to continue filming the shorter 2-3 minute episodes that we released between Seasons 4 and 5. We've had a lot of fun with these, breaking away from our usual format and getting the chance to explore lesser-known characters, and see different sides to our favourite misadventurers. We also have more YouTube #Shorts because the algorithm loves those - did you know that the most-watched piece of 1 For All content is a YouTube #Short, with more than double the amount of views as our most-watched episode?  

Thank you as always for your support - we deeply appreciate it. We hope you'll stick with us in the coming year!



Good luck to you all! I'm looking forward to what's next!